Example sentences of "[noun] hang over the " in BNC.

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1 The following month he publicly waived the death sentence hanging over the organizers of the second coup attempt of 1983 .
2 The younger was nineteen or so , just a few inches taller than Melanie , with longish , bright red hair hanging over the collar of a dark blue , rather military looking jacket with shoulder flaps and brass buttons .
3 When the sick and exhausted Armenians reached Beirut after the Ottoman collapse , they were allowed to build shacks on the swamps of Bourj Hammoud in the east of the city and then to erect houses which look to this day curiously Balkan , their wooden balconies hanging over the narrow streets of Camp Marash .
4 There were oil lamps hanging over the verandah , and they threw black shadows towards the mosque entrance , and towards the shop where clothes were sold , long since shut .
5 The peaks surrounding glacier-dominated Saas Fee may be less distinguished , but the ice-falls of the Feegletscher hanging over the village are in their way just as striking .
6 Two years ago , there were huge doubts hanging over the future of Cowley .
7 Family Finance : Investments with a no-lose guarantee With election uncertainty hanging over the stock market , Tom Tickell looks at equity bonds that offer at least your money back
8 And the Monster was sat in the bucket , filling the bucket with its bloated pink body , its great bulging legs hanging over the edge .
9 When I recovered myself and controlled my weeping , my attention was attracted by Granny 's photograph hanging over the mantelshelf .
10 This uncertainty hung over the European Fusion Programme at the start of 1989 and in Britain , home of JET , there were further questions being asked about the future of fusion and nuclear energy in general .
11 Indeed it is difficult to exaggerate the impenetrability of the mystery which for centuries hung over the problem of the strength and fracture of solids .
12 A large , badly painted portrait of Mayor Donlevy hung over the desk .
13 ‘ The only spectre hanging over the property market is unemployment at the moment .
14 His portrait hung over the fireplace in every tenement room and whitewashed cabin .
15 The big question-mark hangs over the tax-increase part of the programme .
16 Winston 's portrait hangs over the stairs .
17 There was a single filing cabinet , but in all other respects the room could have been inhabited by his father , the colonial Bishop whose portrait hung over the marble mantelshelf .
18 But occasionally she stared back at him and then up again , as she had sometimes before , except that this time , with the sense of crisis and danger hanging over the Cages , it seemed there was something urgent about her stance and her stares .
19 The next morning saw a sky heavy with rain hanging over the hills .
20 Next morning , painful rays of sunlight somehow filtered through the haze hanging over the city .
21 As she opened her mouth to shriek , he grabbed a green towel hanging over the shower rail and slapped it over her mouth .
22 What I 'd suddenly recalled was a picture hanging over the altar in the caravan ; this in turn had reminded me of one of the statues over the south porch of the Cathedral .
23 A towel hung over the door .
24 That sorrow hangs over the discontinued struggles of the SI .
25 An air of crisis hung over the closing stages of the 1993-94 budget process : the rejection of Bill Clinton 's stimulus package and a last-minute shortfall in grants from the state government in Albany left a $100m hole that suddenly forced fresh cuts on City Hall ( which , unlike the federal spendthrifts , must by law balance its budget ) .
26 Outside the smell from the brewery hung over the town , stifling as a warm pillow , making it difficult to breathe .
27 An air of unreality hung over the whole campaign .
28 Gloom and despondency hung over the royal party and Anne was more than a little resentful of having been required to join them in sanctuary .
29 He gestured to where the flag of the other Germany hung over the old Tiergarten .
30 Once back in the ops room , I laid the boy flat on his back , so far down the mattress that his dropped foot hung over the edge at the bottom , just as I had seen the Australian nurse do when I watched her during her London visit the previous year .
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