Example sentences of "[noun] result in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Most of it consists of a list of banned substances by brand name , IOC category , points for and against from the doctor 's point of view , contained substances resulting in the ban and misuse resulting in the ban .
2 For example , environmental considerations have prompted the company to embark upon a halon replacement programme resulting in a range of alternative systems .
3 Some handwriting may be difficult to read due to a lack of visual clarity , but most readers can perform some sort of recognition resulting in a meaningful interpretation .
4 The Crown argued that there was either one practice that ceased operating or , alternatively , there was a change in the individuals running the practice resulting in a deemed cessation of business .
5 However , to translate this vision into effective classroom practice resulting in the amelioration of standards and the quality of learning experiences , teachers do need appropriate training to equip them personally and professionally for the task .
6 Women , who apparently thrive on stress , display typically aggressive ‘ type A ’ behaviour , which often includes becoming ‘ hooked ’ on vigorous exercise , hormonal imbalance which can eventually lead to irregular periods and weight loss resulting in an early menopause , brittle bones , thinning and wrinkling of the skin , and falling hair .
7 Maintenance and improvement works have been carried out over the past few months resulting in the first Sunday train leaving at 5pm .
8 That in itself would win the support of a substantial group of Vietnamese fence sitters , and would unite all Vietnamese in solid opposition to Ho Chi Minh ; and the Chinese communists , practical people , when they saw their aid resulting in no real accomplishment , would be less ready to see it frittered away .
9 Despite an already traumatic episode resulting in the loss of their creative force and most prominent member , the Mac 's troubles were far from over .
10 There has been input to this scheme from all divisions of the Department resulting in a very successful project of which we can be justifiably proud .
11 They are best told apart by the differences in head shape — labiatum has thicker lips and citrinellum has a larger hump resulting in a steeper forehead profile .
12 Even if the complete compound exists within the syntax window it is likely that the incorrect parts of speech will be assigned to the constituent words resulting in an erratic selection of words by the analyser .
13 If a centre wishes to package a programme of units/modules into a group award , either a new programme to result in an existing group award title or an entirely new group award title , the proposal will be assessed against criteria which cover :
14 Massive demonstrations in Bangkok against the premiership of Gen. Suchinda Kraprayoon resulted in a violent military crackdown in mid-May .
15 They found that allowing for the tax timing option ( as well as stochastic interest rates and different income and capital gains tax rates ) in the no-arbitrage condition resulted in the no-arbitrage prices of the S&P500 moving much closer to the actual prices for the period June 1982 to September 1982 than if no such adjustments were made to the no-arbitrage condition .
16 Intervention by the Arab League to halt the ensuing fighting resulted in the drawing up of an " accord for national reconciliation " , which was approved on Oct. 22 , 1989 , by a majority of Lebanese MPs meeting in Taif , Saudi Arabia [ see p. 36986 ] .
17 Factional fighting resulted in the disintegration of the NNP government in mid-1989 , but Blaize remained in office until his death in December 1989 .
18 Repetitive stimulation of the sensory nerve resulted in a steady decrement in the motor neuron response ; it was , in effect , habituating , and the Kandel lab had produced what he was to describe as a single synapse which showed ‘ learning in a dish ’ .
19 Experiments over the centuries resulted in the predominance of the Cheviot breed with a fleece eminently suitable for finer grades of cloth .
20 The riot resulted in the deaths of two Asian men , Kassamali and Amirali Moledina , who suffered asphyxiation in their burning post office .
21 The suggestion that excess faecal bile acid losses in cystic fibrosis is related to the presence of intraluminal unhydrolysed triglyceride , is based on : ( 1 ) a close correlation between faecal bile acid and faecal fat excretion ; ( 2 ) the finding that improvements in fat digestion with pancreatic enzyme supplementation was associated with a concomitant reduction in faecal bile acid losses ; and ( 3 ) substitution of dietary fat with medium chain triglycerides resulted in a decrease in both faecal fat and faecal bile acid excretion .
22 Little relative movement between the Indian and Eurasian Plates seems to have occurred between the Middle Eocene and Early Miocene , but isostatic readjustment of the presumably thickened crust resulted in a withdrawal of the sea on the adjacent Indian continental lowland .
23 Two meetings with Philip during the spring resulted in the truce being prolonged until midsummer but otherwise served only to widen the gap between the two sides .
24 The review resulted in an upward revision of the Sanga-Sanga field 's gross initial proved wet gas reserves by over 800 bcf to 12,460 bcf .
25 Well another inspired team selection from Wilko has left us 13 points behind the scum , picking Hodge in what must be just about his first outing this year over Rocky resulted in a rather insiped performance from the midfield .
26 In my judgment , he would inevitably have come to the conclusion , as a matter of necessary inference , that the plaintiffs were paying and the defendants accepting the money subject to repayment if the action resulted in the plaintiffs ' favour .
27 Over the period between 1872 and 1905 it is probable that increased facilities for reporting and prosecuting cattle theft resulted in a gradual increase in the proportion of crimes which were reported .
28 In seven of these regions failure to include the social variables resulted in a reduction of target revenue of between 1.0% and 1.8% .
29 Tripartite discussions between government , employers and labour resulted in the signing on April 27 , 1990 , of a Social Accord called " Chile , an historic opportunity " and described by Aylwin as opening up a " path of understanding and not one of confrontation " between employers and labour .
30 A further one hundred questionnaires were sent out to develop and validate these vignettes , and an analysis of the questionnaires resulted in the development of eight distinct styles of information use , pupils matched to these eight styles by their teachers have been interviewed and differences in the way these pupils talked about tackling two assignments in different subjects are currently being analysed .
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