Example sentences of "[noun] push [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We hastily put to sea in deteriorating weather conditions , the freshening easterly wind pushing up a lumpy swell for which this area is notorious .
2 It has generally been thought a manifestation of the taste which in the immediately following period adapted many fabulous monsters from the East ; but it has no close eastern parallels , and the discovery of the Lefkandi Centaur pushes back the concept in Greece a long way .
3 If the drains get blocked , this cover can be removed and drain rods pushed down the rodding point to clear them .
4 Meredith pushed out the cold bottle and lay listening .
5 Dot pushed back the blanket , slid off Gloria 's lap and moved back to sit by her window .
6 The soft , tight band strapped around her arm was nevertheless a comfort , as the pointer pushing up the dial , achieving a number , was a comfort , too , for now something was being done , someone would give her treatment to ward off the attacks of death .
7 Playful springer spaniel Hanna pushed down the lock with her paws — with Nicky 's keys inside .
8 As soon as the Bundesbank announced at 2pm that its discount rate would go up to 6 per cent and its Lombard emergency funding rate to 8 per cent , the Bank of England pushed up the base lending rate of British banks to 15 per cent , the highest for eight years .
9 At Clyde Street alone paying punters pushed out the boat to the tune of 5,680 passengers every day .
10 At sea the ship can appear enormous , and even minor landing craft travelling at a brisk trot were a hazard to canoes , for the minor LC 's blunt bow pushed out a small wall of water .
11 ACO is also sceptical about local authorities ' abilities to push down the costs .
12 This surplus pushes up the yen , which ought to boost imports .
13 The domestic authorities can simply allow internal inflation to push down the rate of exchange .
14 The amp head pushes out an extremely loud 100 watts , and you can complete your stack by adding a separate valve-driven spring reverb unit and two cabinets — one 2x12″ , one 4x12″ — both loaded with Celestion G12 speakers .
15 ‘ So speculation pushes up the price based on rumour .
16 He makes the point that the arrival of these southerners ( and westerners ) has enabled the University of Ulster to push up the minimum entry grades for some courses .
17 The leading central banks are expected to redouble their efforts to push down the dollar once the German decision is announced — something which may ease pressure on the pound if it changes the focus of attention in the foreign exchange markets .
18 ‘ Our income is a quarter of our previous police salary , and while pension increases remain practically static , inflation pushes up the cost of living beyond our reach .
19 In the Cristofori-Silbermann action , the escapement engages the hammer shank on the same side of the pivot as the hammer head : the escapement pushes up the hammer butt .
20 As spring came , with the supreme optimism of Nature , the shattered trees pushed out a new leaf here and there , but soon these too dropped sick and wilting in the poisonous atmosphere .
21 Admittedly , there were regional variations in land values , and when they began to rise again , the increase was more marked in areas round London , where the demands for food from a large urban area pushed up the value of agricultural land .
22 The Life Guards and the Pathfinder Platoon push out a reconnaissance screen to the front of the bridges and give early warning of the inevitable enemy attacks Which occur during the night .
23 The return pipe of the power filter can be inserted down the uplift pipe of the undergravel filter where the water flow pushes up the heavy mulm to the surface of the gravel , from where it is hoovered away .
24 If the community really wants to tackle the problems of alcohol abuse it merely has to encourage the government to push up the cost of alcohol beyond the point of everyday affordability .
25 Silence descended for a spell , then Morton pushed over a gilt-edged square of card .
26 Now let's keep the force the same , say we 've got a Mini engine providing us , just running it steady at three thousand R P M. Pushing out the same amount of force , keep the force the same , this time we put a smaller mass , we 've got a Mini engine and you 've put it on your pushbike .
27 Even in the clothing district , wage earners reached almost 53 per cent in the villages of Cosford hundred , but since they fell short of a third in the rising manufacturing town of Hadleigh , it seems that vigorous industrial growth pushed up the level of earnings .
28 He also stresses that the new female values encouraged marriage for love rather than for prudential considerations , and maintains that women 's increasing search for sexual fulfilment pushed up the general fertility rate of lower-class marriages in the nineteenth century .
29 In other respects careful management and a firm hand pushed up the royal income .
30 Cranston pushed back the beaverskin hat on his head , scratched his balding pate and pursed his lips as if he was a veritable Alexander .
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