Example sentences of "[noun] improve the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ( Including information about job characteristics improved the extent to which pay variance within the sexes was explained , but it did not explain very much more of the gap between the sexes since men and women in apparently similar sorts of jobs were being paid at different rates . )
2 As production methods improved the clinker produced was harder and the cement had to be more finely ground .
3 In 1979 , Cadman showed that prior treatment with methotrexate improved the efficacy of 5-flourouracil by causing increased intracellular levels of 5-fluouracil nucleotides , enhancing the inhibition of thymidylate synthetase .
4 The fruit machines were proving fruitful and the Club improved the changing rooms , bought new dining room furniture and tarmacadamed the car park , although a small part of it was sold to the S.E.B. for £75 for use as a sub-station .
5 When Angella Taylor improved to 22.7 for 200 metres , Marita Koch improved the record from 22.06 to 21.71 .
6 Within Compact they should be looking for opportunities to improve the curriculum offer to students and promote the professional development of members of the department .
7 The result to improve the players perks and packages , but keep within the Rugby Union amateur code .
8 It is hoped to be able to use the results of the research to improve the OEDIPUS system .
9 Later other improvements came along such as putting a cylinder of safety glass around the flame to improve the illumination , and covering the gauze by a metal bonnet to protect it from accidental damage .
10 Membership of the club was enforced to provide funds to improve the ramp .
11 Writing to the bus company and ask that the buses if the bus service can be diverted from going down Station Lane at Edingley to coming up Edingley Hill and through Halam to improve the service through the village .
12 The proposals , put forward by the Advisory Committee on Business and the Environment , include increasing the duty on petrol , increasing vehicle excise duty in line with engine size , reducing value-added tax on fuel-saving equipment , setting minimum standards for energy efficiency of household appliances , obliging car manufacturers to improve the efficiency of engines , and encouraging the development of combined heat and power generating stations .
13 That is why the British Tourist Association launched its ‘ Winning Words ’ initiative , to encourage the tourism industry to improve the service it offers to non-English speaking guests .
14 Using magnetotelluric survey data supplied by the Brazilian National Oil Company ( PETROBRAS ) , new data-processing and modelling schemes are being set up in a bid to improve the resolution of mapping of the geoelectric horizons of the shale sequences at depths of 2 to 3 kilometres .
15 Last year , the University made a significant investment to improve the quality and appearance of the Prospectus , which is the most important aid in the recruitment of the brightest and best-motivated undergraduate students .
16 Stable contracts will permit cost reductions and capital investment to improve the quality and reliability of supply .
17 Should not the priority be investment to improve the quality of services ?
18 It was found that everyone could fit into the cellars , if the need arose , but £200 had to be spent on fans to improve the ventilation .
19 The decision is controversial in its reasoning , but it may be explained as an attempt by the judiciary to improve the workability of an ageing legal structure .
20 It provides information on methods to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of training programmes for older workers , including helping older workers to find productive employment .
21 When Nixon was forced to resign from the American presidency in 1974 , his administration was embarked on an attempt to improve the responsiveness of the American bureaucracy which , while not illegal , led to cries of outrage from his liberal enemies .
22 The offer of further help was widely interpreted as attempt to improve the chances of the treaty being ratified by the requisite two-thirds majority of the 23-member Philippine Senate .
23 A major attempt to improve the development control system was made in the 1980 Local Government , Planning and Land Act , which changed the allocation of development control functions between counties and districts .
24 Relics were also important in the contemporary French peace movement , being prominently displayed at the large and enthusiastic public gatherings organised by bishops in an attempt to improve the state of public order ; they possibly found similar use in England , where the national assemblies of Æthelred II may occasionally have resembled continental peace meetings .
25 Any attempt to improve the prognosis of diabetics must address this central observation .
26 It was an experiment in participatory research to pursue , uproot and interpret certain facts by non-specialised research workers who were motivated by a personal involvement in the land-related issues of their home areas , in an attempt to improve the structure of their society .
27 Similar tactics have after all been deployed in the USA in respect of civil libertarian , social welfare and environmental issues , and more recently in Britain as part of an attempt to improve the position of recipients of state welfare benefits and other disadvantaged groups ( Prosser , 1983 ; Scheingold , 1974 ) .
28 The move was widely interpreted as an attempt to improve the prospects of the Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) winning a further term of office in the next general election , due by mid-1993 .
29 We may see in this encouragement of scholars not only an attempt to improve the status of the realm , but a genuine curiosity for learning on the part of Charles himself .
30 Dobry 's scheme was an heroic attempt to improve the planning control system to everyone 's satisfaction .
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