Example sentences of "[noun] plan for the " in BNC.

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1 She feels the worst part of being unemployed is her inability to plan for the future .
2 This has resulted in a general failure on the part of local education authorities to plan for the promotion of community languages across all phases of the education system .
3 The report of the Review Body on Civil Justice said the Council ‘ should enable the judiciary to plan for the allocation of High Court caseloads and judge power in the light of needs and resources of that court as a whole rather than of individual Divisions .
4 Each questionnaire also contained a specimen ‘ data sheet ’ and respondents were asked to complete a data sheet for each in-service training programme planned for the financial year 1984–5 .
5 The French government has cancelled plans for the building of two of five dams planned for the upper Loire valley .
6 It is extremely important that all the factions — not just the clans but the sub-clans — in northern , southern and central Somalia come together under the United Nations plan for the ceasefire .
7 LYNDA CORAL Planning for the pregnant pause
8 Residential institutions lost favour and became associated with , if not blamed for , the lack of professional vision and determination to plan for the long term future of children .
9 Trade associations may also carry out services such as demand forecasting and capacity planning for the market as a whole .
10 Fortunately , Settis is known to be a good friend of the Museum 's director John Walsh , and is a member of the committee planning for the future of the J. Paul Getty Museum in Malibu after the new museum opens at the Getty Center in west Los Angeles .
11 This information helps the retailer plan for the future and order stock to match changes in customers ' buying habits .
12 Not only will this guarantee relevant standards and practicable quality assurance , it will also help organisations to plan for the implementation of the qualification .
13 The need to plan for the staffing as well as the financing of the social services does not apply only to the professionals : we can not decide to double our output of houses in order to deal with housing shortages and obsolescence without regard to the manpower resources of the building industry as well as to the availability of suitable architects .
14 ( There was of course little incentive to plan for the future when work was often obtained on a casual basis and wages were irregular . )
15 People living next to the site of a New Age festival planned for the weekend say they 're in for two days of misery .
16 Electronic publishing software developer Interleaf Inc , Waltham , Massachusetts , will ship an enhanced version of its RDM relational document management system next month , with Apple Macintosh and Microsoft Windows versions planned for the first time .
17 The decision to go ahead with the press conference two days later was finalised ; Pons edited a note alerting his staff to this effect , called Jones on the phone to reconfirm the joint submission for Friday the 24th but , according to Jones , said nothing about the press conference planned for the day before nor of the 11 March submission by Pons to the Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry .
18 To support these managers he established a marketing department , improved the financial system and introduced business planning for the first time to AEA .
19 On Sept. 17 the same leaders met the Public Security Minister , Ismaila Nimaga , after which they agreed to suspend a rally planned for the following day .
20 The protest walk will precede a public rally planned for the village on Saturday , September 18 .
21 If the year of our folly 1990 had started inauspiciously for me , then the Fates , Lady Luck , Lord Chance , God , Life , Evolution — whoever or whatever — immediately thereafter set about the business of proving that the entangled disasters distinguishing the year 's first few days were but a mild and modest prelude to the more thorough-going catastrophes planned for the weeks and months ahead … and this with a rapidity and even an apparent relish which was impressive — if also bowel-looseningly terrifying — to behold .
22 The developers of a new gas power station planned for the Isle of Grain have offered to plant trees in Central or South America as a means of offsetting the station 's emissions of carbon dioxide .
23 I read with some concern that a housing development planned for the Valley is to disgorge its traffic on to the Road near the Hill Lane Lane crossroads .
24 There will be no conclusions today because , says chairman Brian Walsh , ‘ the committee felt it necessary to find time for a full discussion on cricket outside of the agenda planned for the next scheduled meeting on 26 October . ’
25 The underlying assumption identifies fieldwork with the job of linking with the family and through this contact planning for the children 's future .
26 In this context , it is likely that changes in the nature of marital relations resulting from the increasingly private nature of family life , together with an increasing tendency by working people to plan for the future , were the most important variables explaining the decrease in working class fertility during the inter-war years , at a time when the employed working man enjoyed a more regular and higher real wage than ever before .
27 Several of the unsuccessful court actions brought during this decade arose out of opposition to LEA plans for the introduction of comprehensive schools .
28 All the works bequeathed by the Stangls are to be re-examined by experts and the results of their labours will be seen in a comprehensive exhibition planned for the end of 1993 whose aim will be to highlight both the international importance of the collection and the activities of Otto and Etta Stangl .
29 The news ends speculation that Argos was to move into the multi-million pound redevelopment planned for the Vernon Road bus station site .
30 The Pixel Semiconductor Inc unit of Cirrus Logic Inc has introduced the CL-PX0072 Video Window Generator I , a Microsoft Corp Video for Windows-compatible chip that features HiQ8 proprietary colour enhancement technology to provide high-quality picture resolutions ; samples from Cirrus Logic cost $32 in quantities of 10,000 or more with volume planned for the current quarter .
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