Example sentences of "[noun] compare with [art] " in BNC.

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1 Dublin may have a healthy homegrown vibe , but it wo n't produce a hybrid post-dance noise to compare with the messed up trance of , say , Happy Mondays .
2 However , given that the policies adopted by the UK government and EC Commission were a quota and minimum import price respectively , it is necessary to derive appropriate non-tariff policies to compare with the policies utilized in practice .
3 NO Hollywood script writer could have conjured up a story to compare with the one Michael Galwey has produced and starred in .
4 There was little in the West to compare with the fanaticism shown by Eastern monks or lay people as well as bishops over the minutiae of dogma .
5 Skye has no other scenic attractions to compare with the Black Cuillin but deserving of special mention is the capital , Portree , a bonny little town , and further north along the coast the Storr and its Old Man , conspicuous on the skyline .
6 The BBC says it chose Stewart Park , Middlesbrough , for a Bank Holiday special because it offered better car parking than parks in Stockton , while Stockton did not have an auditorium to compare with the size of Middlesbrough Town Hall .
7 Looking at the superior economic performance of the northern United States compared with the south , political economists had a simple explanation ( now vigorously disputed by economic historians ) : slavery .
8 ( d ) The remeasured quantity and rates would be abstracted each week and on completion compared with the breakdown provided by the estimator .
9 It is certainly not a very edifying tale , but it is small fry compared with the massacre in Romania last weekend at Timisoara , and the further shootings reported to have taken place in Bucharest yesterday .
10 They were however years of pleasure compared with the five which were to follow , when , with his successor Neville Chamberlain first out of 10 , Downing Street and then dead in six months , Baldwin became a target of resentment for the perils to which the nation found itself exposed .
11 One could almost claim that setting course south of Paris for Geneva nearly 250 miles away was a pleasure compared with the more northerly targets .
12 These are not , furthermore , isolated examples ; in scene four , Anderson has the longest turn ( 86 words compared with the next longest , McKendrick 's 47 ) as he does in the final scene ( 53 words against McKendrick 's 14 ) .
13 Now is n't that an anonimous vote compared with the first one ?
14 Significant ( p<0.001 ) suppressions of urinary PABA excretion were found in rats pretreated with antibiotics compared with the control group ( B1 , 4.9 ( 1.6 ) µg ; B2 , 31.0 ( 4.7 ) µg ; B3 , 40.9 ( 5.5 ) µg ) .
15 The loss compares with a profit of £1.2m the previous year .
16 A randomised trial of elderly hypertensive patients in primary care reported a non-significant excess of fatal cancers of the bronchus in the group given atenolol compared with the control group ( an excess risk of 1.89 , 95% confidence interval 0.88 to 4.08 ) .
17 They agreed a contract that will bring Mansell £3million a year , a pittance compared with the £12 million he was offered to rejoin Ferrari and the £8 million a year he was on at Renault-Williams .
18 In practice the planning style will fall between these two extremes , with the degree of input from the planning department compared with the business units varying from company to company .
19 Given that Scotland has little going for it in the way of geography , nothing special in the natural resources department compared with the seriously oil-rich countries and now a minimal industrial base , he argues that the asset in which we have consistently under-invested is our people .
20 The impedances of the series components are multiplied by a factor m compared with the prototype where m lies between zero and unity .
21 First the impedances of the shunt components are divided by a factor m compared with the prototype where m lies between zero and unity .
22 The main benefit to the United States of the Smithsonian Agreement lay in the new exchange rates which embodied a 9 per cent devaluation of the dollar in relation to other currencies compared with the pre-August rates and thus increased US competitiveness .
23 The demolition and clearage of the old site allowed the erection , during the following year , of the new Fire Station , complete with practice tower , the position giving easier access to the surrounding neighbourhood compared with the restricted access from the old fire station position on the corner of Chiswick High Road and Linden Gardens .
24 Pahl ( 1984 ) asserts that it is the last hundred years that have been the aberration compared with the greater flexibility of both earlier periods and the present time .
25 What interested me was how the editorial approach to these readers compared with the neighbouring ad : ‘ A weak Gordon 's & Tonic ( please do not adjust your magazine ) ’ , it said , wetly .
26 Thus in university towns and cities , there is often comparatively little gonorrhoea compared with the large urban areas , where shifting populations seem to be one of the reasons for an increased prevalence of the venereal diseases .
27 He said that this ‘ duo bus ’ needs an extra 173 hours a year for maintenance compared with a trolleybus , a diesel bus or any other bus .
28 Once established , a pool needs very little maintenance compared with the many delights it offers .
29 Figure 3 shows a comparison of pitted erythrocyte counts in the current drinkers compared with the ‘ reformed ’ group .
30 That unaudited figure compares with a previous peak of 413,000 last March .
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