Example sentences of "[noun] apply to the " in BNC.

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1 Tony Yates applied to the licensing committee to extend his music licence until 12.30am at Brannegans and 2.30am at Club Lucy .
2 The ethical positivist is likely to seek the development of three broad directions ; first , the drafting and annunciation through the UN of a comprehensive set of rules applying to the relationships between states , including where necessary cognisance of those aspects of internal affairs which are of international significance .
3 Signed Danish is not Danish , when you can not hear/distinguish the words — but another type of sign language , which has the primary advantage that hearing people can use it at the same time as they use spoken language , and the secondary advantage is that some — and only some — rules applying to the spoken language are conveyed to the deaf child .
4 I have no record of having received a reply and since everything is beginning to move again with the local authorities applying to the Secretary of State for him to lay Orders under the Transport and Public Works Act to enable them to proceed with public consultation on their scheme , the matter is becoming critical once again .
5 In these cases one of the objectives is often to enable lower rates of pay and/or fringe benefits to be paid than if the workers concerned were remunerated on scales applying to the organisation itself .
6 Check that clock pulses have an effect only when the data applied to the D-input is new .
7 Soering applied to the European Commission of Human Rights on the grounds that there was a serious likelihood that if he were extradited to the United States he would be executed .
8 After Mrs Wordingham 's death later in 1989 , Mr Wordingham applied to the High Court for rectification of the will under s 20(1) ( a ) of the Administration of Justice Act 1982 , which states that ‘ if the court is satisfied that a will is so expressed that it fails to carry out the testator 's intentions , in consequence — ( a ) of a clerical error … it may order that the will shall be rectified so as to carry out his intentions … ‘ .
9 In order to ascertain the rights to which any given set of facts give rise , we must always ask what is the rule of Common Law ? what difference ( if any ) is made in the working of this rule by the existence of some rule of Equity applying to the case ?
10 I can see nothing in principle to prevent a contemnor applying to the first instance court to be released from custody on the ground that the failure to serve him with the committal order has kept him in ignorance of the contempts for which he has been imprisoned and that , in the circumstances , justice requires his release .
11 If the base of the body , shown shaded in the diagram , figure 13.1(b) is firmly fixed , a transverse force F applied to the opposite face is sufficient to cause a deformation dx through an angle θ .
12 For signals applied to the Y input , with X at 10V , non-linearity is +-0.005% in full scale , although a different input arrangement with X variable leads to reduced non-linearity claims .
13 From the First Dynasty this was a term applied to the dead .
14 It is a psychologically unrewarding task for the person soliciting over the telephone , and this is reflected in the vernacular term applied to the location from which such solicitation takes place — ‘ the boiler room ’ .
15 If this figure applied to the county as a whole then the criticisms which were used to attack progressive methods were quite unjustified ; far too few schools had embraced Plowden for them to be having the catastrophic influence which their detractors attributed to them .
16 Keep your body weight applied to the back part of the inside rail throughout the turn .
17 Having examined the parliamentary history of sections 61 and 63 of the Finance Act 1976 , it was held that the parliamentary intention was that in-house benefits should be assessed for income tax on the basis of marginal costs to the employer and not as a proportion of the total costs incurred in providing the service both for the public and the employee ; that this effect applied to the education of the children of teachers who were employees ; and that section 63 of the 1976 Act should be construed accordingly .
18 Only when a Logic 1 pulse is applied to Ck ( clock input ) it is possible for data applied to the S and R inputs to be allowed through to the bistable proper and take effect .
19 The theory of the operation of a Pitot tube is contained essentially in eqn ( 10.19 ) , Bernoulli 's equation applied to the streamline that ends at the forward stagnation point of an obstacle placed in a stream .
20 FIGURE 1 In this five by four foot painting I wanted to emphasise the strength of the granite structure , so I decided to counter-balance the sense of its solidity with a diffused and scumbled sky , Figures , walls and railings were initially indicated and loose brush strokes of warm pink applied to the sky area .
21 LORD JUSTICE RALPH GIBSON said that neither the plaintiff nor the defendant applied to the court at any time before judgment for an order under Order 5 , rule 5(2) appointing the defendant to represent all or any of the members of the management committee .
22 The defendant applied to the trial judge for a stay on the grounds that the actions of the police amounted to an abuse of the process of the court .
23 By a notice of application dated 27 November 1989 the defendant applied to the county court for the possession order to be set aside .
24 Although the characteristic case of an affray involves fighting in public , there may be in cases where there is no actual violence applied to the person of another , since the offence is capable of commission by those who threaten violence .
25 The applicant applied to the district judge for a perpetual stay of the prosecution of the 1989 charges on the ground of delay amounting to an abuse of process , and an order postponing the trials of the 1988 and 1989 charges until the conclusion of the High Court trial on the grounds that to try them before would inevitably prejudice the applicant 's defence at the High Court trial .
26 The applicant applied to the High Court for judicial review of those decisions but the application was dismissed .
27 The applicant applied to the Divisional Court for a writ of habeas corpus .
28 However , the statistical methods applied to the concept of a bounded area of land are dubious unless the shape of that area is taken into consideration and only those cemeteries within 100 m of parish boundaries were considered ( Reilly and Zambardino 1986 ) .
29 Although the eigenproblem to be solved at each step is vastly less time-consuming and expensive than direct methods applied to the full system , yet it does take much time .
30 The behavioural models are estimated by econometric methods applied to the Family Expenditure Survey data sets .
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