Example sentences of "[noun] pass [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Horowitz , more stoical , was already at the counter while his case passed through the type of machine used at airports .
2 DARLINGTON 'S Mayor Rita Fishwick and Tory councillor Paul Geldart passed on the thanks of the Scottish Sports Association for the Disabled to the town 's Dolphin Centre yesterday .
3 Example 2:16 Exceptions and reservations Excepting and reserving to the landlord : ( 1 ) Easement rights and privileges over the demised property corresponding to those expressly granted to the tenant over the other parts of the building ( 2 ) The right to build on develop deal with use any adjoining or neighbouring property retained by the landlord in such manner as he thinks fit even though the amenity of the demised property or the access of light or air thereto may be lessened thereby and without making any compensation to the tenant ( 3 ) The right at reasonable times and on reasonable notice ( except in emergency ) to enter the demised property for the purposes of ( i ) inspecting the condition and state of repair thereof ; ( ii ) carrying out any works ( whether of repair or otherwise ) for which the landlord or the tenant is liable under this lease ( iii ) carrying out any works ( whether of repair or otherwise ) to any property adjoining the demised property or to any party structure sewer drain or other thing used by the tenant in common with others ( iv ) measuring testing or valuing the demised property ( including the right to take samples of materials and to open up parts of the demised property which would otherwise be inaccessible ) but making good any damage caused by such an entry ( 4 ) The right for the landlord and the other tenants of the building to pass through the demised property in case of fire or other emergency Example 2:17 Definition of service pipes ' " service pipe " means any pipe , drain , sewer , flue , duct , gutter , wire , cable , optic fibre , conduit , channel or other means of passage or transmission of water , soil , gas , air , smoke , electricity , light , information or other matter and all ancillary equipment or structures
4 The explanation might be that a probable leak at the tight junction is relative , allowing only small molecules to pass into the intercellular space .
5 For example , whilst there is an obligation in law on A not to interfere with B 's freedom to pass along the highway , this of itself does not confer a positive right on B , though the effect may be the same .
6 This fibre , or roughage , helps food and waste products to pass through the digestive system .
7 Apart from the two social occasions when he had been with another girl , Liza had seen little of him , even though she had taken every opportunity to pass by the farmhouse where he was billeted .
8 Such a motion is exempted business , so that the House in question can not be denied the opportunity to pass upon the matter simply by government manipulation of time , but in relation to the vast majority of instruments , opposition is pointless and rarely mounted .
9 One of the things I most remember about 1971 was my favourite artist , Kenneth Noland , deciding that he wanted his annual income to pass through the million-dollar barrier .
10 The time taken for a component to pass through the column is called its elution time .
11 As the result of lengthy investigations into the Duzme Mustafa revolt , Mehmed Sah was implicated in that affair ; and , Husameddin relates , " Molla Fenari grieved greatly that at the end of the investigations , in the year 832 , Mehmed Sah Efendi passed over the bridge of death together with Candarlizade Ibrahim Pasa and the Grand Vezir Haci Ivaz Pasa . "
12 Foreign catholics who saw grandees giving up their carriages to the sacrament , theatre audiences falling to their knees as the viaticum passed in the streets , were astonished by the universal reverence for the outward forms of worship .
13 Without a glance at one another the two adults followed , Jake stepping aside at the sitting-room door to allow Shiona to pass into the hall ahead of him .
14 A mild adventure is offered : the base of the crag is undercut , permitting walkers to pass behind the curtain of falling water .
15 Figure 6.6b shows us the possible routes for trajectories to pass through the four shaded areas .
16 David Hume went further , transferring causal power from the world of objects to the mind , making of it a tendency of the mind to pass from the thing we call ‘ the cause ’ to the one we call ‘ the effect ’ .
17 Next , from about the same distance above the bud , begin a curving cut to pass behind the bud and clear of the embryo to meet the cut below — the bud shield should come away quite cleanly , still with its little handle .
18 Cusps flattened against valve wall to allow blood to pass through the valve in the correct direction
19 On the journey to Brunnen as the boat passes near the sheer face of the Seelisberg cliff , look out for the Schillerstein : a 24m ( 80ft ) high outrider crag , rising from the lake in obelisk shape , inscribed in letters of gold to the memory of Friedrich Schiller , author of the William Tell poetic drama .
20 Listen to a car passing on the road : as the car is approaching , its engine sounds at a higher pitch ( corresponding to a higher frequency of sound waves ) , and when it passes and goes away , it sounds at a lower pitch .
21 As you get the last two or three stitches , watch carefully , do n't allow the stitches to stretch too much and then gently take the weight off the knitting as the final stitch passes over the linker latch .
22 All revenue passes through the hands of these two classes in its first movement .
23 However , Mr Palmer said that a constant video of cars passing over the Severn Bridge at the time , showed no Renault 25 .
24 Once aluminium passes into the water system it is toxic to fish , and may find its way into human drinking systems .
25 The observations of gravitational red shift and the deviation of electromagnetic waves passing near the Sun shows that real space–time is curved .
26 A Castle Air Force-based B-52 , a Travis-based C-141 , and a Beale TR-1 spyplane each made high and low speed passes over the field .
27 The sky was soon dark and the sound of heavy bombs exploding died away , to be replaced by shells passing over the orchard from the British guns down by the river Orne .
28 During the evening his wife was very nervous and became extremely agitated when the British guns started up , the shells passing over the village with a loud roar .
29 Secondly , if we look at return maps , as r passes through the critical region they start to change so that they resemble Fig. 6.10 .
30 It would , for example , excuse the form of reverse engineering used in the Dyason v Autodesk case ( measuring the electrical signals passing between the dongle and the computer program ) .
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