Example sentences of "[noun] believe that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Jews believed that God controlled everything : the forces of nature , Israel as his chosen people and also the destiny of all other nations .
2 The Benedictines believed that prayer should be brevis , pura and frequens — brief , pure and frequent .
3 Nothing could be further from the truth than Kate Millett 's accusation that Freud believed that women 's destiny was a simple outcome of their biology .
4 Unlike the sentimental francophile in Downing Street , the American president believed that France had ceased , for the foreseeable future , to be a great power .
5 Lucretius believed that worms were spontaneously generated in mud .
6 When the course began in 1976 its tutors believed that content was more important than process .
7 Ken believed that Orton was the man to whom to go when he was down .
8 He said Labour believed that citizens should work together for the good of the community .
9 Rebecca believed that Lissa could bring about her downfall , and she was almost bound to try to do something about it .
10 Because Key believed that motherhood brought women their greatest fulfilment , her work was widely quoted with approval , although her defence of ‘ bachelor motherhood ’ for the unfortunate ‘ surplus ’ women achieved a notoriety similar to Grant Allen 's apparent advocacy of ‘ free love ’ in The Woman Who Did .
11 58% of subjects believed that people with TB should be quarantined , and 63% perceived TB as a severe social stigma , endorsing the item ‘ if you have TB no-one wants to be around you , even people you thought were your friends ’ .
12 Third parties believed that Unkiar-Skelessi marked a further stage in Russia 's southward advance .
13 The Jews believe that God promised Israel to them because they are Abraham 's heirs .
14 The Shias believe that Ali 's descendants — the Imams — are the lawful successors of Mohamed .
15 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
16 Party strategists believe that Labour will have to embrace proportional representation and form some kind of alliance with the Liberal Democrats to provide a credible challenge to the Conservatives .
17 As the Opposition believe that taxes , particularly local taxes , should be based on ability to pay , is it not absolutely scandalous that they suggest that the elderly and the single , whatever house they live in , should have to pay more than those with the ability to pay and are not willing to grant a discount ?
18 Those who support the cultural deprivation theory tend to believe that education can play a large part in remedying social inequality , while Marxists believe that education is an essential part of the process of reproducing inequality .
19 But since Marxists believe that capitalism as a social system is doomed , it follows that capitalism can not he rationally planned for ever .
20 Four out of 10 shoppers believe that supermarkets selling " environment-friendly " products do so to exploit the market and not out of a genuine concern to protect the earth , according to Mintel. 10 per cent of respondents in the Mintel survey believed that companies were hiding behind a green " front " , and those who went out of their way to buy green products did so " in spite of corporate public relations efforts " .
21 In this respect Fforde believes that individualism was not just a particular strand of the Conservative tradition , but was the Conservative tradition , and that ‘ Tory Centrism , anti-capitalism , or paternalist interventionism ’ are ‘ phantoms of the historiographical imagination ’ .
22 Goldman Sachs partner Alan Gillespie believes that London ‘ still will be the place where cross-border deals are done ’ .
23 With the late Michael Mansbridge 's book we are introduced to John Nash , to many the Regency architect par excellence ( although this reviewer believes that John Buonarotti Papworth is more deserving of that accolade ) .
24 McLuhan believes that writing fosters " linear thinking " : " The fragmenting of activities , our habit of thinking in bits and parts — " specialism " — reflected the step-by-step departmentalizing process inherent in the technology of the alphabet …
25 Packer believes that nepotism plays no role in the explanation of these events because the males of a troop , having transferred into it from elsewhere , must be only very distant relatives of one another .
26 This administration believes that government has been attempting to do too much .
27 SEYMOUR PAPERT believes that children learn by building their own intellectual structures which they then apply to reality .
28 Penny believes that Diana has always been aware of her own destiny .
29 Penny believes that Diana will survive all these crises — because she is a born survivor .
30 On the basis of his behaviour , therefore , we have reason to maintain that Fido believes that bones are related to his desires or preferences in the following way : Bones satisfy certain desires he has and are to be chosen to satisfy those desires .
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