Example sentences of "[noun] believe that [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing could be further from the truth than Kate Millett 's accusation that Freud believed that women 's destiny was a simple outcome of their biology .
2 Lucretius believed that worms were spontaneously generated in mud .
3 He said Labour believed that citizens should work together for the good of the community .
4 As the Opposition believe that taxes , particularly local taxes , should be based on ability to pay , is it not absolutely scandalous that they suggest that the elderly and the single , whatever house they live in , should have to pay more than those with the ability to pay and are not willing to grant a discount ?
5 Four out of 10 shoppers believe that supermarkets selling " environment-friendly " products do so to exploit the market and not out of a genuine concern to protect the earth , according to Mintel. 10 per cent of respondents in the Mintel survey believed that companies were hiding behind a green " front " , and those who went out of their way to buy green products did so " in spite of corporate public relations efforts " .
6 SEYMOUR PAPERT believes that children learn by building their own intellectual structures which they then apply to reality .
7 On the basis of his behaviour , therefore , we have reason to maintain that Fido believes that bones are related to his desires or preferences in the following way : Bones satisfy certain desires he has and are to be chosen to satisfy those desires .
8 He said teachers in the humanities believed that pupils were obtaining grades they could not possibly achieve in exams .
9 In The Times Higher Education Supplement David Hencke reported that many college and polytechnic directors believed that universities ‘ are relaxing their validation standards to enable former colleges of education to start new arts and science degrees ’ , and quoted Edwin Kerr as being confident that colleges succeeding with CNAA validation would consider it to have been worthwhile .
10 Although conservatives believed that juries were appropriate only in societies whose population had already achieved a degree of sophistication , reformers argued that they could promote the social responsibility from which they were supposed to emerge .
11 Unidroit , for example , goes to considerable trouble , by means of consultations with representative international organizations and by questionnaires to specialists and to governments which in turn consult their national organizations , to establish that those practising in the field in question believe that differences in national laws create a problem and that harmonization would bring benefits .
12 pluralists believe that problems which arise are resolvable if individuals choose the correct solutions and formulate the right strategies for change .
13 Blackburn striker Alan Shearer believes that Rovers are now paying for their flying start to the Premier League campaign .
14 Whereas Pope sees this as an inevitable consequence of women 's softness , Leapor believes that women can actually improve themselves .
15 Janice believes that children should know when they are going beyond what is acceptable and that a clear framework of conduct is necessary for a child 's proper development .
16 Perrin believes that fishermen in many countries catch dolphins in set-nets , but are not required to report the deaths to fisheries authorities .
17 The early testers believed that tests would open doors to disadvantaged people , not close them .
18 Moreover , many officials believed that chenas caused soil erosion and that the grains produced on them were unhealthy .
19 Around 60% of participants believed that laws covering industrial pollutants and effluents , and recycling , were not tough enough , and virtually all thought that industry should place a high priority on cutting pollution and conserving energy .
20 So a paper might report that a community believed that police officers had been unnecessarily violent in arresting suspects .
21 Both the bipartisan commission and INS officials believe that sanctions on employers could be strengthened with , in the commission 's words , a ‘ fraud-proof work-authorisation document ’ .
22 Up until now there has been no need to believe that neutrinos have any mass at all .
23 ORTHODOX economists believe that governments can wipe out accelerating inflation only by balancing their budgets and sharply reducing the monetary growth .
24 If terrorists believe that incidents like this morning 's will deflect our policy on Northern Ireland , they are mistaken .
25 Many observers believe that taxes could still be the deciding factor for millions of floating voters as they go to the polls tomorrow .
26 However , scientists from the University of Chicago believe that theropods and ornithopods seem to have had brains relatively larger ( body mass for body mass ) than reptiles , hinting at mammalian-like complex behaviour .
27 Rawls believes that principles chosen rationally but in ignorance of one 's actual situation in society , one 's natural endowments , and one 's conception of the good , are bound to be neutral principles .
28 Brian Grant believes that clients have become more sophisticated , so they will pressure agencies to improve the quality of their services , at a time when the advertising cupboard is pretty bare .
29 ISS believes that standards will be raised , not just by reforms in curriculum and assessment , but by making schools generally more effective .
30 Lilly believes that humans and dolphins can communicate with each other despite their physical differences , and he has constructed a complex computer system to send translated messages between human and dolphin .
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