Example sentences of "[noun] expect [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Indeed , OSF expects sales of DCE licences to contribute at least $55m to its coffers in 1994 .
2 Hall expects 50% of Sun Commonwealth of Independent States business to come from Moscow and its surrounds .
3 Hall expects 50% of Sun CIS business to come from Moscow and its surrounds .
4 The fact that a significant number of the independents who were elected were DLP sympathizers who had failed to secure party endorsement as candidates , meant that most observers expected Roh to be able to construct a working majority within the new Assembly .
5 The group expected Charman to be upset but they were taken aback at his extreme response .
6 Buyers expect salespeople to be business-like in their personal appearance and behaviour .
7 As far as Hewitt is concerned , at the very least guests expect cleanliness at a good price .
8 When we are spending about 6% of our gross national product on health services we have a right to expect improvements in the public health from them , both directly and through the influence of health service staff on health policy .
9 On the other hand heads have every right to expect staff to be well groomed and reasonably dressed at work .
10 Customs expects companies to be able to satisfactorily explain why — and has incorporated into the Intrastat system an optional means of so doing .
11 Player A's expected payoff in each period will therefore tend to a value which is less than that received by the dominant strategy type for any positive rate of discount .
12 Most clinics treating fertility problems expect nurses to be the counsellor .
13 About 60 p.c. will be A bonds , so investors expecting redemption in 1994 may have to wait several extra years for full repayment : holders are likely to seek higher interest rates as compensation .
14 InfoCorp expects shipments of multiuser systems with an average selling price between $15,000 and $1m to grow from 509,000 units in 1992 to 643,000 units in 1997 — a compound annual growth rate of 6% .
15 The Chancellor said the European Commission expected Britain to be the fastest growing of all the major European economies , this year and next .
16 People expect women to be highly emotional .
17 A final tip from Charles Worthington at Worthington 's : ‘ In a recession people expect value for money .
18 People expect value for money , and that 's what I try to give them , ’ he tells me .
19 Although it had been common for surgeons to expect suppuration of the wound as an inevitable concomitant of amputation , Alanson demonstrated that by these methods it was possible for these wounds to heal ‘ by the first intention ’ , that is , without significant infection .
20 Van Marion expects sales of its Unix product line to fall over the next year or so .
22 Technically because 1 granule is only diluted in 5ml of water and alcohol the ‘ strength ’ of the remedy is much greater than Hahnemann expected patients to be able to withstand .
23 When children die , allegedly at the hands of parents or those responsible for their care , society expects responsibility to be allocated , and penalties paid .
24 That may be true in general , but the other side of the coin is that Britain expects change in return , and puts on tremendous pressure to get that change , ’ one official said .
25 By 2001 the government expects 90% of new jobs to be filled by women and that women will form 45% of the labour force ( Employment Gazette April 1990 ) .
26 Technology chairman Derek Lewis expects sales in the hundreds rather than thousands in the first year , but is aiming for between 5% and 10% of the UK Unix market thereafter .
27 FIserve expects $23.5m from the offering and will use it for working capital , possible repayment of debt and acquisitions of complementary businesses .
29 There seemed little reason to expect conditions to be more favourable further east under Mesozoic cover ; few wells enter the thrust sheets which are expected there , and none are deep enough to prove what lies beneath them .
30 Shabby , he 'd thought , and plain , so that he was taken aback by the neatly-rounded woman who answered his knock , a most presentable person in a dark , well-cut woollen dress with what looked like a gold brooch at the neck , her smooth oval face miraculously ironed of the creases he remembered , her mouth smiling the serene welcome of a woman who has no reason to expect trouble from a knock at her door , a woman who eats well and sleeps well and can settle all her bills .
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