Example sentences of "[noun] carry [adv prt] a " in BNC.

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1 On occasion it was vital in a really bad case to carry out a tracheostomy — that is , to put a small tube into the trachea or windpipe , below the level of the swelling which is causing the breathing difficulty — but this was only rarely required .
2 As for clothes , fashion consultant Barbara Thomas decided Norma had the poise and presence to carry off a sophisticated designer label .
3 provide an opportunity to carry out a few simple tests ( such as checking your blood pressure ) :
4 II , p. 258 ) — in other words mothers should have the wherewithal to carry out a household chore .
5 Campaigners have welcomed Cleveland County Council 's decision to carry out a road safety study taking in Sappers Corner and Truro Drive on the A689 on the outskirts of Hartlepool .
6 A SENIOR consultant admitted yesterday that the decision to carry out a Caesarian section on an expectant mother was left too late .
7 The decision to carry out a Caesarian section should perhaps have been taken after the 4.30pm examination when the heartbeat was known to have decelerated , he said .
8 Will he urge the chairman to carry out a study of the economics of mining anthracite from small drift mines employing up to 75 people because many believe that mined in that way , anthracite could be extremely saleable and competitive in relation to both opencast operations and imports of Chinese coal ?
9 In 1795 Parliament voted that King George III award Elkington £1,000 to carry out a survey of his achievements .
10 The benefit of planning permission to carry on a business from premises is normally lost by a subsequent change of use of those premises .
11 In 1984 the Anglian Water Authority applied for permission to carry out a land-drainage scheme on the Stour between Stratford St Mary and Flatford Mill , with the purpose of converting the riverside pasture to oil-seed rape .
12 When survey data are coded and punched for analysis by computer it is all too easy to ask the computer to carry out a range of cross-tabulations of one factor by another .
13 It also feared that a coalition with the anti-fascist forces might create similar problems to those which the Labour government of 1929–3 I faced when relying upon Liberal support to carry out a legislative programme .
14 If I signed a contract to carry out a complete refurbishment of the interior of your house I have an obligation to fulfil that contract .
15 Todor ( 1980 ) predicted that this would hold true for other tasks mediated by the language hemisphere and he therefore required his subjects to carry out a sequential motor task .
16 Therefore , it was possible for subjects to carry out a certain amount of integration of information even when they did not know the theme of the passage .
17 According to his instructor at the Borders Parachute Club , Wakenshaw had the presence of mind to carry out a textbook emergency descent to save his life .
18 Dissatisfied with the quality of many land availability studies , the DoE commissioned Coopers and Lybrand to carry out a study to assess and report on the varying assessments and assumptions about new housing made by the planning authorities and house builders , and to assess the extent to which both the provision in plans and land which is made available for housing takes account of the requirements of the market for new private sector housing' .
19 Does not that make it difficult for the United Nations to carry out a peacekeeping role ?
20 Notice of intention to carry out a review and an alteration to the Lothian Region structure plan .
21 A manager can order an employee to carry out a specific task .
22 Governors of schools are the most frequently mentioned group and Circular 6/81 asked them to encourage schools to carry out a review .
23 What I can also tell you is that Lucy 's engaged the erm British Cast Iron Research Association to carry out a survey , and they tried to repeat the circumstances of the explosion , and they could n't do so .
24 At the end of the taught portion of the course , MSc candidates carry out a substantial project .
25 Members of 4 Platoon , B Company , of the Royal Hampshires carrying out a vehicle check in the city centre
26 As a point of reference it will be assumed that for a supernova collapse the gravitational waves carry off a total energy of in a burst of milliseconds length and at a frequency of about I kHz .
27 Despite these criticisms , the report stimulated initiatives based on its recommendations and in the first half of 1981 Her Majesty 's Inspectors carried out a survey of Haycocks II provision in the nine English RACs .
28 Towards the date for closure of Banstead , in mid-1986 , two researchers from the national offices of MIND carried out a brief study of the closure process .
29 On Oct. 4 four Israeli F-15 fighters carried out a reconnaissance flight over a section of western Iraq where additional SCUD missiles and launchers had been discovered after the Gulf war .
30 In 1936 the Ministry of Labour carried out a pioneer survey of private sector employers ' pension scheme membership , finding that women comprised about 20 per cent of the total membership of around 1.6 million persons .
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