Example sentences of "[noun] stand at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is uncontested that , as Community law stands at present , competence to determine the conditions for the registration of fishing boats is vested in the member states .
2 It must be observed in the first place that , as Community law stands at present , competence to determine the conditions for the registration of vessels is vested in the member states .
3 Consequently , the answer to question ( 1 ) must be that , as Community law stands at present , it is for the member states to determine , in accordance with the general rules of international law , the conditions which must be fulfilled in order for a vessel to be registered in their registers and granted the right to fly their flag , but , in exercising that power , the member states must comply with the rules of Community law .
4 ( 1 ) As Community law stands at present , it is for the member states to determine , in accordance with the general rules of international law , the conditions which must be fulfilled in order for a vessel to be registered in their registers and granted the right to fly their flag , but , in exercising that power , the member states must comply with the rules of Community law .
5 As the law stands at present , however , even if the trial judge reveals at the time of sentencing what advice he proposes to give to the Secretary of State , it will still be necessary for the latter to consult the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge at a later stage .
6 From 1997 onwards , as matters stand at present , we would have to pay probably well over ten times that cost in order to receive the equivalent digitised output .
7 At the same time as debt service ratios stood at record levels , higher levels of capital gearing , aggravated in some circumstances by house prices falling below the level of outstanding debt , may have made lenders less tolerant of arrears and less willing to help borrowers through remortgaging .
8 The state intervened in 1888 to establish the two separate types , which are both now relatively small : the bulls stand at 126–130cm and weigh about 750kg and the cows 118–124cm and 450kg .
9 One moment standing at Reception and then wafted , as if he were a feather fluttering , to the car on the kerb .
10 And I had to ask a lad stood at front , I said can you ask him to stop at this stop please .
11 I 'd best be sending out letters to see how my credit stands at home . ’
12 As things stand at present , the Labour Party uses three spurious reasons to justify its unprincipled boycott of Northern Ireland :
13 ‘ As things stand at present , it would be very difficult for a Bishop opposed to the new legislation to continue in office when that legislation comes into effect , ’ he said .
14 As things stand at present it seems more appropriate to talk about ‘ brains ’ than about ‘ the brain' .
15 If graduated tests are to have a large measurement component then it seems that , as things stand at present , a significant number of girls will be disadvantaged .
16 Mr Lang stated : ‘ I 'm not going to start answering specific questions about specific aspects of how one of the individual solutions we may chose will apply until we have reached a conclusion about the right way forward then we can address this issue and debate it fully , but as things stand at present I see no reason to have to change that law . ’
17 Daniel stood at bay , steeling himself not to be afraid of her .
18 Add about 5 ml of fixative and allow the suspension to stand at room temperature for about 1 h .
19 I will let David Oldham know how the situation stands at present , and ask him to liaise directly with yourselves if this is appropriate .
20 Er they 'd help each other , if they were sick er well let's say quite a lot were unemployed down there and there were always someone that , I 've seen men stand at top of yard and say , have you got a fag Jack ?
21 The horse is kept locked up in a stable until it is time to be exhibited for the potential buyer or judge — or mare owner if the horse is a stallion standing at stud .
22 Leave the melons to stand at room temperature for 30 minutes and then cut into quarters , lengthways .
23 On either side of the throne two liveried Annamese eunuchs stood at attention holding long-handled fans of decorated feathers which they waved in slow , synchronized strokes above the emperor 's head to cool the air that he breathed .
24 The officer gave the command : a detachment of sailors with bayonets stood at attention .
25 The British sail training ship the Sir Francis Drake stood at anchor opposite her , firing salvo after salvo of maroons , and a fire tug saluted with jets of water fired high above the mastheads .
26 A rapid increase in exports , especially of phosphates , and of earnings from tourism , as well as a reduced food import bill , resulted in a sharp improvement in the trade balance , whose deficit stood at MD 9,560 million in 1988 ( for 1987 trends , ibid . ) .
27 Not only do you have to work out where your competitors stand at present , but you also have to try and project their future course in the same way you have projected your own and look at how this will affect your own policies in future .
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