Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] the rest " in BNC.

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1 Oliver had reassured her that Sir Thomas could not possibly have committed suicide through anguish at her rejection and she was now prepared to enjoy the rest of the week immensely , even if it did involve a murder investigation .
2 And despite his public utterances Law too was ready to take up a more pragmatic attitude when negotiating ; if Ulster could be excluded , he was quite prepared to abandon the rest of Ireland to Home Rule ; Carson shared Law 's view and was kept in touch with the negotiations throughout .
3 Yet this is the sector which is supposed to invigorate the rest .
4 But badgers ' often show up better than most , and because they are endowed with stout claws on their front feet , there may be four or five distinct claw-marks showing even if the ground is too hard to reveal the rest of the print .
5 Israel 's uniqueness stems from the fact that it considers itself to be in a perpetual state of war with its Arab neighbours which , together with the Nazi barbarities of the last war , is somehow supposed to make the rest of the world feel permanently sorry for Israel and give it the right to carry out any intelligence operations it likes .
6 It 'll do you good to join the rest of the human race for a change .
7 Unable to carry the rest of the council with him , Joe Esseff would later resign the chairmanship of the CLAO in disgust , but meanwhile , on 3 March , he took Coleman to Paris to introduce him to Aoun 's senior advisers .
8 In fact M42 is only the brightest part of a vast nebular cloud which covers most of Orion , but I have never been able to see the rest of it with binoculars .
9 As leader of the party he gave the usual dinner for colleagues at the start of the session but he was happy to leave the rest of the social management of the party to Lady Londonderry .
10 ‘ In Stratford in particular , there is a hard core that hate anglers and they seem to be able to sway the rest of the council at voting time .
11 Educationalists say that 'll damage all pupils since , without support , class teachers wo n't be able to teach the rest of the class so effectively .
12 Occasionally she made brief , distressed movements of the head , rotated right , left and right again , but was unable to get the rest of the school in her sights .
13 The attempt to disrupt the retreat was , however , beaten off , with around 40 casualties , dead and wounded , on the Hanoverian side and a dozen on the Jacobite , and Charles was able to get the rest of his army safely back into Penrith .
14 ‘ In many ways I think Prince Charles is a natural bachelor but I ca n't believe that the princess , who is now 31 , will be happy to spend the rest of her life on her own .
15 I sometimes shape just the first third of the sleeve , increasing rapidly in this section but making it possible to knit the rest of the sleeve straight .
16 I 'll only have to pay him a dollar and the cartage , and there 'll be enough to cover the rest of the yard .
17 The baby treated me hospitably , being the age he is and therefore still inclined to interpret the rest of the world as an annex of himself .
18 The scientists were being cautious and so were the civil servants ; this meant that British politicians could happily continue to struggle over familiar issues until 1988 when a devastating drought enabled scientists in the USA to get the ear of the Senate and pour into it a story sufficiently sensational to alarm the rest of the Western world .
19 I 'm just thinking if you did lots and lots of little bits , I think you 'll find it quite difficult to make the rest of it coherent .
20 The money ran out before the scheme 's completion , and the villagers found themselves obliged to borrow the rest .
21 The Government Commission , set up by Labour in 1965 to circumvent the rest of the Civil Service , has been quietly declining under the Conservatives ; Heath has made his own arrangements to the same end , by setting up the Central Policy Review Staff , which has been housed by the Cabinet Office next door .
22 But he 'd be wise to leave the rest to be taken at leisure , and make positive use of his friends in the Lothians .
23 It 's about a London-based detective and his TV bosses are eager to have the rest of the scripts .
24 To equate the will of the people with the will of the majority may often be a justifiable piece of political shorthand ; but those in a minority , whether it be on a particular issue or in a more long-term and fundamental way , are always entitled to remind the rest of society that they too are part of " the people " .
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