Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] [art] bad " in BNC.

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1 He said Daphne even though she is married now I am willing to forget the bad talks that were going around about him being foolish and wanting her back .
2 The government was not prepared to invite the bad publicity that would be generated by starting deportations during the Christmas period , he added .
3 ‘ Perhaps because it 's so easy to believe the worst of you . ’
4 ‘ Even by collective choice , it is easy to make a bad appointment , ’ says Siobhan Hamilton-Phillips , chief executive of the Vocational Guidance Association , which ranks many blue-chip corporations among its regular clients .
5 We stood in the doorway for a while until our eyes adjusted to the darkness and then , stooping low to avoid the worst of the smoke , we made our way through the crowd to a space that had been cleared for us close to the fire .
6 This is one of those channels where it 's hard to find a bad sound ; everything set on 5 is about right , full-bodied but still jangly , exactly how it should be .
7 In photographic terms , this is called backlighting , and the camcorder 's attempt to find a compromise setting generally results in the under-exposure of the foreground , though some machines have metering systems which are sufficiently sophisticated to avoid the worst effects of this .
8 So therefore was there anything for me as a consumer go along to the theatre , have a back programme that has been sponsored by Hydro Electric to use the bad example .
9 Rumours about impending changes will occur anyway , and staff not fully informed are likely to fear the worst .
10 Compared with the other great all-rounders of his time , Imran Khan , Richard Hadlee and Kapil Dev , he is certainly the best batsman and best slip fielder , but Hadlee and Imran are more dangerous bowlers , and much less likely to have a bad day .
11 The Abbey National , now a bank , and the Leeds Permanent and the Halifax building societies were quick to break the bad news to already hard-pressed homeowners by stating that mortgage rates will probably have to rise by around 1.25 points to 14.75 per cent .
12 In the play , Cyrano de Bergerac 's single voice was more effective to drive the bad actor Montfleury off the stage than the protests of all the rest of the audience to restrain him .
13 Or is it , more simply , that wanting to know the worst is love 's favourite perversion ?
14 For this most unspontaneous of artists , it is better to have a bad reason for something — a tenuous or cabbalistic reason — than to depend on chance , subjectivity and the moment .
15 Certainly American Intelligence was unable to confirm the worst of the fears .
16 Peter Jones , who ran the Atomic Weapons Establishment from 1982 to 1987 , is also concerned that production of the next generation of Trident warheads is going ahead in buildings which are more than 30 years old which might not be able to contain a bad leak .
17 Ronni had never been able to hear a bad word against Jeff without leaping instantly to his defence .
18 Pain had her in its grip again , but with the help of the black bottles of medicine she was able to conceal the worst of her suffering from her family .
19 Technology and applied science have done much more to alleviate the worst effects of nature by providing help against , for instance , floods , storms , diseases , droughts , infertile soils and long distances .
20 I think perhaps that I actually needed to be able to think the worst of you , however personally unpalatable that worst was to me , as some sort of a defence , so that I could despise you even if it meant despising myself as well .
21 The mandatory penalty does indeed serve to mark out murder from other crimes , but whether the definition of murder is sufficiently refined to capture the worst killings , and only the worst killings , remains to be discussed below .
22 ‘ When my kid brother turns up with a blonde blue-eyed actress on his arm , and apparently engaged , I 'm naturally inclined to think the worst , ’ he told her , scarcely moving his lips .
23 Staring in , she said , ‘ It was best to know the worst , and I know it now ! ’
24 He would not let Silver and Buckthorn fight alone , but he had felt obliged to leave the worst of it to them .
25 Bernard had to act as ‘ go-between ’ as Laura would only accept bad news or limitations to her independence from him , certainly not from an accountant who was later to describe her designs as ‘ itsy-bitsy prints ’ necessary to camouflage the bad quality of the fabric .
26 A conciliatory style is remedial , a method of ‘ social repair and maintenance , assistance for people in trouble ’ , concerned with ‘ what is necessary to ameliorate a bad situation ’ .
27 John Tate , managing director of consultancy Tate Bramald Ltd says : ‘ It is safest to assume the worst of a package until you have confirmed for yourself that it does what it claims to . ’
28 Folks are always ready to believe the worst .
29 Cantril had no explanation , but claimed that the depression and the gloomy news from Europe , with Hitler rampant , made people all too ready to believe the worst .
30 I was so ready to think the worst of him , she wailed inwardly .
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