Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] allow [art] " in BNC.

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1 This approach stresses the fact that as individuals ‘ mature ’ in an organisation then the leader should take account of this and allow the relationship to develop as a consequence .
2 Simple words make your meaning clear and allow the reader to concentrate on the message .
3 but at the same time I would want to afford er , you as heads of departments er er everybody 's heads of department a little bit of leeway what i what if , what wa wa we have to be careful about this that we set a standard but allow a little leeway because all departments are slightly different and want to approach things
4 Erm it may have been deliberate in that how the Par Party could n't be seen as too radical in order to maintain er as broad a support as possible and allow the peasants to erm give them leeway to do what they wanted to do , but erm it 's quite interesting though that whatever the Communist Party did , people were going to respond in which ever way they wanted to whether or not there was a law there , but they still had to sort of erm establish their legitimacy .
5 Where the evidence is not agreed the court may admit the statement as evidence-in-chief and allow the witness to be tendered for cross-examination .
6 The advantage of this is that , given that you have got to exchange witness statements anyway , there is always a chance that your opponents may consider that the evidence is not crucial or controversial and allow the statement to go in without the witness being called .
7 On IPE and Fox , in the case of futures trades , the rules are more relaxed and allow the whole order to be filled off the floor provided it is within the minimum fluctuation in the pit at the time .
8 You deal a card , study it , meditate on it , let your mind go blank and allow a picture to come into your mind . ’
9 The most that can be achieved by such searches is to reveal cases where title is suspect and allow the necessary action to be taken .
10 Sometimes you have to be more patient and allow the universe to bring you joy and abundance in its own way , and in its own time .
11 If the ball is below my feet , or I am playing from a downhill lie , the ball will fly to the right , so I aim left and allow the ball to cut into the target .
12 The fittings are more expensive than compression fittings , but are unobtrusive and allow the pipe to be rotated in the fitting .
13 Consideration of the diversity of difficulties that face attempted suicide patients , and the range of both the degree of suicidal intent and risk of repetition associated with their behaviour , should have demonstrated why it is most important that the facilities available for management of these patients must be flexible and allow a variety of options .
14 All the techniques in taekwondo are flexible and allow the practitioner to change his mind at the last minute as to which block or punch will provide him with the best defence or counter-attack .
15 We will introduce a new law dealing with discrimination on grounds of sexuality , repeal the unjust Clause 28 and allow a free vote in the House of Commons on the age of consent .
16 Interestingly , too , both are double-acting and allow the driver to push implements down as well as lift them up .
17 The Asda cash will be used to cut debts to about £100 million and allow the revamping and relocation of some stores .
18 You should keep compost moist but allow the surface to dry out between waterings .
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