Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] find [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 A great deal of very useful research can be carried out wholly from documentary sources of one kind or another , but often social researchers find themselves in a position where they want to investigate social behaviour on which there is very little published research or perhaps what research has been published is not relevant enough to their own particular areas of interest .
2 According to General Accident , about 50,000 drivers find themselves stranded on the autobahn every year .
3 Despite great efforts to ‘ bottle up ’ sources of funds within regional boundaries , some banks find themselves with excess liquidity which they are not allowed to use for expanding credits to local enterprises , and this has led to some inter-regional flows of bank funds ( and to the uncontrolled expansion of bank lending to firms such as Agrokomerc ) .
4 Suddenly , these would-be commercial recyclers find themselves swamped with offers of free material from Germany .
5 Perhaps the cooler attitude and the rigours of endless hours of practice are the reasons why so many top players find themselves in extended slumps and periods of burn out .
6 Our society has tended to place women in a subservient relationship to men and some women find themselves drawn towards dominant or dependent partners and thus fail to assert their own needs as individuals .
7 The warblers ' own young are turfed out of the deeply cupped reed nest by the cuckoo chick soon after it hatches and the foster parents find themselves feeding an enormous monster with a huge red gape and insatiable appetite — a monster which will eventually grow to three times their size .
8 The fortunate survivors find themselves with a wealth of food and very little competition in which to grow to their maximum potential .
9 An in-depth study of our early land law reveal(s) the existence of a substantial body of Islamic legal principles , a historical fact which contemporary scholars find themselves in difficulty to accept , having been so engrossed with the civil law system introduced in these shores after the arrival of the English administrators towards the close of the eighteenth century .
10 As pressure for land grows , more and more of Sri Lanka 's surviving elephants find themselves cut off in small patches of forest surrounded by agriculture .
11 In comparison with ‘ conventional ’ offenders , corporate executives find themselves in an enviable position .
12 In response to the electric field in which these charges find themselves , the positive and negative charges will slightly separate .
13 How long before ample-bottomed builders find themselves behind bars for a few ill-chosen words or a misplaced calendar ?
14 Many parents find themselves pleasantly surprised when the difficult stage passes with the minimum number of crises and heartbreaks .
15 While statistics on household expenditure suggest that families give priority to health needs , in practice many mothers find themselves cutting back on basic necessities .
16 The unlucky ones find themselves pig-in-the-middle between college and school tutors , each of whom is convinced of the rightness of their own particular way of teaching and the wrongness ( hopelessly impractical , hopelessly out-of-date ) of the other .
17 For while there are many for whom the decimation of Baghdad is guided by a fine and noble and sense of justice , many others find themselves with effectively no alternative but to support ‘ our government ’ / ‘ our boys ’ / ‘ freedom ’ or whatever other option is put before them , in spite of their doubts about the validity of the whole bloody exercise .
18 As well as the growth in the number of low-paid jobs , a significant group of flexible workers find themselves in great demand , and consequently gain high salaries .
19 Whereas lower-class juvenile delinquents find themselves confronting a legal system which has literally declared war against them , upper-class corporate officials find a legal system which is either at , or on their side ; for the most part it is unwilling and if not , unable even to guarantee compensation for the victims of corporate crime let alone to contain and control the crime itself .
20 Instead it is single cash-crops which attract most research , developed outside the context of the production situation in which small farmers in steep-sloped and ecologically fragile areas find themselves .
21 Irish catholics find themselves in an ambiguous relationship to Irish nationalism .
22 General practitioners find themselves already required to divulge cervical smear and immunisation status to family health services authorities and district health authorities , which run the screening programme 's recall systems .
23 With political change , the established constitutional authorities find themselves in a situation where they are forced to come to terms with new and emerging patterns of political power and practice that are outside ( but pressing in on ) the established constitution that is supposedly made sense of through their theories .
24 Consequently urban-fringe farmers find themselves taking unusually thorough measures to defend their land against intrusion — extra barbed-wire fencing along boundaries and footpaths , an unsightly rash of warning notices and even electronic detection devices are all employed .
25 If , for any reason , these other institutions find themselves short of liquidity their first resort will be to the discount market for repayment .
26 the second arises where financial institutions find themselves owing conflicting fiduciary duties to different people , so that they can not comply with their duties to one without breaching their duties to the other .
27 If two male or two female cats find themselves together , sexually aroused but lacking suitable mates , one member of the pair may suddenly switch to the mating pattern of the ‘ wrong ’ sex .
28 Now , with both Liverpool and Everton among the also-rans the two men find themselves in the ironic position of standing in each others ' way with the Premier League championship up for grabs .
29 Other women find themselves torn apart by their conflicting loyalties .
30 Any doubt there may be that the family disease is a genuine addictive disease is dispelled when the divorced wife of a primary sufferer promptly marries another or when the parents of young sufferers find themselves depressed and lonely and wondering what to do with their time and experience once their own primary sufferer is in recovery .
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