Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [verb] herself " in BNC.

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1 Always used to a high energy level , she had found that the need over the last few months to pace herself , rest , keep calm , was driving her slowly insane .
2 Sharon Lutchman is of Indian descent and draws upon her diverse cultural influences to express herself .
3 My secretary , Judy Fella , had used her not inconsiderable charm to persuade British Airways to give herself and me free seats on a Concorde as a publicity venture .
4 So after Doctor Who Carole Ann Ford deliberately immersed herself in theatrical parts to free herself from the stigma of Television , emerging only after a year to play the radically different role of a prostitute in ITV 's new Public Eye series .
5 She had made gallant efforts to pull herself together but had still been confused about the precise sequence of events between arriving at the church and the moment when she had pushed open the door of the Little Vestry .
6 Mansfield thought out her stories first , made brief notes to remind herself of the details , of the change that was to take place , and then wrote .
7 A silence fell on the room , and its increasing heaviness made her heave herself up from the couch and take the three steps to throw herself on to the seat beside him ; and to put an arm around his shoulder and say , ‘ Come on , lad , come on .
8 Throughout most of her reign , and particularly in its early years , she made strenuous efforts to show herself an adherent of advanced theories of government and of the ideas of the French Enlightenment in general .
9 At the end of the third day , a woman performs complicated ritual purificatory acts to cleanse herself of the pollution of menstrual blood .
10 With a brief wave Lindsey hurried along the corridor towards the consulting-room , where she sat at the desk , taking several deep breaths to compose herself before calling for her first patient .
11 It took Maggie ten minutes to get herself sorted out , then she and Susan were off , heading towards the kinema .
12 She has spent much of the last ten years establishing herself and securing her home base , and it is only now that she is beginning to realize her potential .
13 Russia , to whom the Near East was almost if not quite as important as to the Habsburgs , also made considerable though less systematic efforts to provide herself with men competent in Turkish .
14 She had felt much the same herself of late , restless , needing to work off that restlessness , only she had n't had the same opportunities to indulge herself .
15 Then , realising that it did n't take much for this man to get to her , she made sterner efforts to get herself more of one piece and , returning her hand to her lap , she drew out of nowhere , ‘ Not everybody can wear contact lenses , ’ and added for a touch of authenticity , ‘ I ca n't myself . ’
16 She passed around the table but slowly , and touched the back of one of the seventeen vacant chairs to steady herself .
17 Leonora found a bathroom instead , and spent a few quiet minutes tidying herself up in peace .
18 Gina nodded , too full of unidentified feelings to trust herself to speak .
19 And then , even while she was making valiant efforts to control herself , because for certain he was going to set about strangling her at any moment , after some seconds of looking at her as if staggered , suddenly , and to her amazement , he was seeing the funny side of it also — and he was laughing too !
20 ‘ What I strongly suspect — ’ Roman had strolled back to join her in the cockpit , stretching long , hair-coarsened dark legs unnervingly close to her own slender golden thighs ‘ — is that Mathilde embroidered the local myths to suit herself !
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