Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] in practice " in BNC.

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1 But whatever the symbolic significance of these ceremonies may have been , it is clear that in practice Henry still retained the reins of power .
2 However it is clear that in practice some limitation would have to be imposed on any such principle .
3 What precisely was entailed in oversight was not made clear and in practice the control of the school , its aims , policies and methods of teaching was left to the headteacher .
4 Attempts are made to teach them German but in practice it is easier to teach the factory foreman enough Turkish to communicate with them .
5 Comment : The procedures are vague and in practice delegated almost entirely to schools .
6 This sounds very bland but in practice it is complicated by the fact that what is nice for one person is nasty for another and vice versa .
7 The Institute 's Tax Faculty condemned the default surcharge system as ‘ fundamentally flawed and in practice counter-productive ’ .
8 The concept of the student with a broad scientific base is fine but in practice it does not work .
9 That sounds fine but in practice it means that people from black and ethnic groups get a raw deal because their particular problems are seldom acknowledged .
10 Your comment that there should be ‘ a clear distinction between medicolegal intervention requested by the police and health care ’ may be an ideal but in practice it is often difficult if not impossible to distinguish clearly between the two .
11 Most advances are supposed to be short-term but in practice many are outstanding for long periods .
12 For those reasons as I , have I , hoped made plain , it seems to me that the general scheme provided by Mrs is the one that ought to be adopted , however in my view when Mrs also makes provision for a second carer for some three hours a day that is well over egging the pudding , if I may adopt a phrase used by Mr at one stage during the case , I feel sure that in practice the two resident carers would not simply say well I 'm on duty from eight am on Monday till twelve midday on Thursday and I shall do nothing during the rest of the week , I think that living in the household for , at
13 An attempt to determine before operation whether peptic ulcer patients are at risk of developing postvagotomy symptoms seems laudable but in practice such clues as there may be are probably too subtle to identify with any confidence from a non-invasive gastric emptying test .
14 This is particularly important because in practice we assume that ‘ accounting ’ for the business and ‘ financing ’ it are distinctly different issues .
15 He submitted that the concept of a peculiar domestic law differing from the general law of the land was artificial since in practice the charter and statutes of a university are expressed in ordinary legal language and applied in accordance with the same principles as those applicable under the general law .
16 This seems unlikely now to lead to the formal designation of the three types of universities ( 'R' for research-based , ‘ X ’ for mixed , and ‘ T ’ for teaching only ) that has been mooted , but it seems probable that in practice the university system will become more overtly stratified than before ; there has always been an element of covert stratification , although this has often related to departments rather than whole institutions .
17 However , it is recognised that awards for comparable injuries should be comparable and in practice in an individual case the amount of the award is much influenced by the amounts of awards in previous cases in which the injuries appear to have been comparable , adjusted as appropriate in the light of the fall in the value of money since such awards were made .
18 The authorities have responded to complaints of increasing truancy with legislation apparently strict but in practice almost ineffective .
19 They pay under contract $5 million indexed , so it is around $6 million now in practice , and that goes to the trust .
20 Although it was convenient for the government to appear to be quite separate from Haketa , the relationship was so close that in practice it would be accurate to describe the organisation as an officially sanctioned and sponsored ‘ tame ’ pressure group .
21 It is not surprising that in practice it was sometimes difficult to keep to the logical distinctions described above .
22 No matter — Motian 's small groups have been ‘ led ’ by Frisell 's electric guitar since the 1980s and in practice , Evans 's complex Walkin' up , or the equally complex interplay of instruments and tempi in Five do more than simply survive with either guitar or saxophone ( or both ) leading .
23 The Japanese have a habit of scheduling their ‘ breakthroughs ’ in advance , which may seem silly but in practice generally works .
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