Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] actually [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the questionnaires there were comments such as : ‘ It was a very nice diet , the first that has actually worked for me all over my body !
2 And instead of just being here round the top , this has actually gone round here too , by the looks of it .
3 ‘ One of my parts is very much on the marketing side and this has actually flourished and the demands on my time for giving talks and presentations all over the world at very high levels has become more demanding than I 've ever known before . ’
4 But until this has actually proved to be possible — and Jakobson would have denied that it is — it seems reasonable to accept that both kinds of equivalence constitute a distinguishing feature , if not of all poetic language , at least of a great deal of it .
5 Improbable as it may seem this has actually happened with some success .
6 This has actually died out : for example , when Panofsky visited Germany in 1967 , the university 's Philosophy Faculty asked the Department to invite him to visit Hamburg but nothing came of it .
7 Any absences that you 've had erm for sickness full or half pay actually count in full for in these calculations as do erm any maternity leave absence you know providing you were actually receiving pay that 's half pay or more then those absences count as if they have n't actually occurred .
8 This meant actually producing and maintaining a series of questions directed at the CEGB 's expert witnesses , most of whom had clearly spent many hours going through every conceivable pitfall .
9 He therefore concentrated his attention not on the Kent coast but on the Isle of Wight , where the French had actually landed in the past and which , once occupied , could serve as a base to paralyse and capture Portsmouth .
10 Inevitably , I noted these criticisms were rarely in relation to what he had said ( few had actually read the book ) , but rather were expressions of shocked outrage that he had failed to keep silent and say nothing at all .
11 Some of the big London agencies were circling like bees round honey and a few had actually offered to ‘ buy ’ me from John .
12 Many councils have investigated , and some have actually pursued , such policies of privatisation , or contracting out .
13 Some of us have actually seen it on better days and a few have actually landed there , finding to their surprise that Fair Isle can be a pleasant green island with a fascinating geological structure and a friendly people .
14 While various independent software houses produce games which would appear to be eminently suited to this type of user control very few have actually produced or converted programs to work with it ; Micromania are an exception to this .
15 So far , due to its cost , ( around £90,000 ) and hence its scarcity , few have actually experience VR .
16 I it it 's oh no , we do n't want war , we 're all against war , but nobody is prepared to bother actually to go to a meeting or , or pay a small subscription and , and then you w you could of had a very strong United Nations now the same as after the first world war , but it 's the people that did n't do it .
17 She had said , A man I 'm convinced has actually seen what my husband saw .
18 What , moreover , is the real relationship between the examination process in particular arts subjects and the way these arc actually taught ?
19 Indeed , some pacifists even drew comfort from the idea that modern weapons had become so destructive that no one was likely to contemplate actually using them ; others were reassured by the apparent improvement in Anglo-German relations after the upheavals of the Balkan Wars of 1912 .
20 And far fewer have actually taken up that option .
21 At one point in episode three Blackeyes actually says ; ‘ Funny is n't it , I never used to like tea . ’
22 The age of consent for a girl to have sexual intercourse is sixteen , and therefore any male over fourteen having sex with a girl under sixteen has actually committed an illegal act .
23 Stages 2 and REM were significantly reduced , while Stage 4 sleep actually increased slightly .
24 Whether the less common B II state actually exists in solution is not clear and it has been suggested that its appearance may be linked to crystal packing effects ( 3–5 ) .
25 After a new series of newspaper advertisements , for example , a firm can test a sample of the readership to ascertain how many readers noticed the advertisement , how many recalled what it said and how many had actually bought the product since reading it .
26 Citing the cases of Indonesia , Malaysia and Thailand , the report noted that the adoption of labour-intensive development and the provision of social services for the poor had actually reduced poverty in these countries .
27 But how many have actually analysed just what quality is .
28 Such dogs , like this Pug , tend to overheat and many have actually suffocated in hot weather .
29 Not only did I have loops at the edge , but seven or eight stitches actually leapt off the needles .
30 Only six out of 15 northbound buses due to run actually appeared on the route .
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