Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [art] present " in BNC.

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1 Can he assure us that he would not be prepared to support the present EMU treaty , which does not contain the provisions and safeguards that he has mentioned ?
2 This reverses the present position as established in Aswan Engineering .
3 Some felt the present arrangements to be satisfactory , believing that ‘ there had been a marked change for the better in the CNAA system over the years and felt that subject boards fulfilled a useful role ’ .
4 Of course this makes the present situation sound dramatically worse than it is .
5 They do show , though , that the world even now is not quite as crowded as it seems ; that if agriculture was better organized , then it probably would be possible to feed the present human population , and still leave plenty of room for the rest of nature .
6 These are a practical necessity and it would be quite impossible to meet the present demand for meat and dairy products , except in certain rural areas , from the products of traditional farms that were the order of the day in Europe and North America up until the Second World War :
7 That maximising the present value of the firm will also maximise shareholder wealth depends on certain assumptions about the efficiency of the stock market ( ’ the efficient market hypothesis ’ ) .
8 B R says such rises were inevitable given the present state of its finances .
9 Phases 2 and 3 seem overly ambitious given the present circumstances .
10 • Renault chief Raymond Levy says he is hesitant to conclude the present Renault-Mitsubishi-Volvo talks before the post-1992 level of Japanese imports to Europe is decided .
11 The latter had the present Bridge Street as its main road with the significantly dedicated St Clements Church halfway along it .
12 I have not seen any of the material due to accompany the present set .
13 One argument is that if building the CIT involves cutting into present research programmes then it may be preferable to run the present experiments for longer .
14 Without that , British Coal will be unable to continue the present level of redundancy pay or the redeployment , retraining or job placement schemes that it supports .
15 He , and the Secretary of State Ian Lang , are unlikely to accept the present proposals .
16 Any spreadsheet should be able to calculate the present value of payments made over a fixed term .
17 ‘ If he were , ’ said Theodora thoughtfully , ‘ where would that leave the present Baron , Louis and his sister ? ’
18 It may indeed be possible to regard the present subject of study as yet another type of word-pairing — except of course that the " greater precision " may be a function of the whole line in relation to the previous line , and not just of one word in relation to another word .
19 You could say , in a letter , that you strongly support the creation of a route for walkers and cyclists from Bloomiehall Park to Muirwood Road , especially for use by children to get to school , and that to overcome the present impasse , it might be a good idea to use a Compulsory Purchase Order to acquire the land needed .
20 Admittedly , it will be difficult to unscramble the present system , but it is not yet too late to extend VAT and other forms of sales taxes to relieve and even eliminate the direct pressures on the country 's earners .
21 It may be hard to imagine a situation in which the onset of old age occurs at later ages than in the past , but a hundred years ago or less it was difficult to imagine the present situation in which old age does not effectively begin until people are in their seventies .
22 Reorganisation of both storage and seating arrangements in the class or specialist teaching room may be constrained by the size of the room itself and the size of the class in it , but even so it may be possible to improve the present situation by looking at it purely in terms of its current , rather than traditional , use .
23 The MEI was defined as that rate of discount which would equate the PV of a given stream of future income from a project , with the initial capital outlay ( the supply price ) : where S = the supply price ; PV = the present value ; R = the expected yearly return ; and i = that rate of discount necessary to equate the present value of future income with the initial cost of the project .
24 The structural changes which would be necessary to reduce the present Davis Cup match format from three days , to one , would destroy the whole character of a competition which , in this commercially dominated age , is arguably more important to the world of tennis than ever before
25 It is also anxious to remove the present lack of clarity as to the practical consequences — and difficulties — of the judgment in the processing of the recoveries affected .
26 Will he therefore do his best to defuse the present unhappy situation and assure the people of that great continent that , although they may be on the other side of the world , they are close to the hearts of the people of the United Kingdom ?
27 Then you will only be liable to pay the present excess , even if the rate has gone up when you claim later .
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