Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] to hold the " in BNC.

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1 I beg to move , to leave out from ’ House ’ to the end of the Question and to add instead thereof : regrets that Her Majesty 's Government 's preoccupation with divisions in its own Party has meant that in the Inter-Governmental Conferences it has not taken the negotiating approach necessary to ensure that the United Kingdom exercises decisive influence on the future of the Community in ways which will help to advance the living and working standards of the people of this country in company with other peoples of Europe ; calls upon Her Majesty 's Government to work for an agreement at the European Council which ensures inclusion of the Social Charter , qualified majority voting on social and environmental matters , powers for the European Parliament to hold the Commission to account in ways that complement the role of national parliaments , decision-making at the level — local , regional , national or Community — where maximum democratic control is at all times exercised , foreign and security policy co-operation without the development of a European Community military role , widening of the Community as rapidly as practicable , co-operation to combat terrorism and other crime , and strengthened powers for ECOFIN as the politically responsible counterpart to any European Central Bank system ; and urges the Government to work to secure agreement to , and adopt policies for , high levels of employment , sustainable non-inflationary growth , balanced regional and national economic development and social cohesion , and for the fundamental reform of the CAP , in order to achieve real economic convergence in the years leading to economic and monetary union and a single currency as the essential foundation for those changes and to safeguard the long-term interests of the people of the United Kingdom . ' .
2 A former youth runner for Britain and a world class rock climber in his teens , he is also the youngest person to hold the top ‘ grandmaster ’ karate grade of Judan Hanshi and the highest graded Westerner in the martial arts of kung-fu and aikido .
3 If the sides are very steep , it may be necessary to erect some formwork to hold the concrete while it is setting .
4 Moran 's opera concentrates on the Family 's life together at the remote Spahn Ranch , the Tate murders and Manson 's subsequent trial , all of which is delivered in an impressionistic style with no real narrative structure to hold the separate elements of the tale together .
5 Just when we expected to see Cordoba produce an extra gear as Walter Swinburn got to work with the whip , the son of El Gran Senor capitulated and it was Balla Cove who produced extra reserves to hold the late thrust of Rock City .
6 ‘ I advise our dear people and all Muslim nations to hold the international Qods Day ceremonies this year more warmly and enthusiastically than in previous years , ’ he said in the broadcast monitored in Nicosia .
7 Make up each of the two kite ends first , then use a screwdriver , tent peg or skewer or similar stake to hold the extreme ends positively to the park ground .
8 They could let down extra wires to hold the branch and winch it up when it was cut free .
9 It was seen as an appropriate place to hold the 1991 Census datasets since they are large and complex and require specialist support .
10 At the point of full divergence , Britain could call on other EMS central banks to hold the pound within its agreed trading limits .
11 If the ribs ( sides ) are thinner , as suggested ( about 1.5mm ) hot bending will not be necessary and a better shape can be achieved by the use of a simple jig to hold the ribs while the glue dries .
12 The hardware to perform multiplication requires two n-bit registers to hold the multiplier and multiplicand , and a 2n-bit register to hold the product , since it may have up to ( 2n-1 ) significant bits .
13 Michael 's brought the foreigners with him , and left the three Ruritanians to hold the King prisoner .
14 Sir Thomas had quarrelled with my husband over some business matter and persuaded the powers that be that my husband was no fit person to hold the position , whatever the quality of his poetry .
15 Body and neck are held together by four screws through a neckplate , and I 'd suggest it might be worth Vox looking at using one of these screws to hold the strap button , which at the moment is screwed to the body about half way along the top of the plate .
16 It 's a large operating system that needs a hard drive to hold the extensive files that come with it , but has many redeeming features .
17 He reached in and wrenched the little bundle of plastic bands out of my hands , and I sat there , silent , watching as he fumbled the bands into position with the little cup to hold the weapon under his right armpit .
18 You use this both to anchor the sledge during a trip , by stamping it into the snow , and at the start of each day to hold the sledge , by clunking it on to a tree trunk .
19 For some centuries Wales had been an area where rather independent lords raised private armies to hold the Welsh down , and sometimes turned these armies against the king .
20 Another attack of coughing forced Kelly to hold the receiver away from her ear .
21 In 1474 he held the office of Sheriff of London and Middlesex , and was Mayor of London in 1482–83 — the 200th Mayor of the City , and the eleventh Goldsmith to hold the honour .
22 The conference had been scheduled for May [ see pp. 38665-66 ] , and a government statement of May 8 emphasized that the government still had a " firm determination to hold the sovereign national conference " .
23 There is no top ledge as with the T-cut method to hold the bud in position while you bind it in , so you have to be careful how you handle the bass or the elastic band .
24 He was already beneficed in the diocese of York , for in 1264 he had obtained a papal dispensation to hold the rectory of Welwick in Holderness with two other benefices with cure of souls .
25 These track systems are comprised of long plastic strips with ‘ jaws ’ to hide ragged edges and an adhesive strip to hold the fabric tight .
26 The sixth person to hold the post and the first from the African continent , he would succeed Javier Pérez de Cuéllar on Jan. 1 , 1992 .
27 She caught him again on the way back between oven and table , and sank herself into him once more , but after a moment became conscious that he was having to make a considerable effort to hold the hot saucepan away from her at arm 's length .
28 In Strathclyde , the region from which Gordon Sloan , the Acting Reporter in Orkney , came , it is the general practice to hold the hearing on the seventh day .
29 First , while the water was boiling , I had to find some piece of stout wood to hold the boy 's dropped foot in the proper position — ‘ the position of function ’ as Reid had called it .
30 The US side rejected , however , the Iraqis ' Dec. 8 proposal to hold the Baker-Saddam meeting on Jan. 12 , on the grounds that this date was too close to the Jan. 15 UN deadline for the withdrawal of all Iraqi forces from Kuwait [ see p. 37870 ] .
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