Example sentences of "[verb] to stay [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 With a relatively tiny home market , Ericsson is always short of the resources it needs to stay at the leading edge of its chosen industry , where the cost of major development projects is measured in hundreds of millions of dollars , and although it has developed its own TMOS Telecommunications Management and Operations Support software suite — which runs under Unix — it needs the muscle of a company like Hewlett-Packard to exploit the product .
2 He had expected to stay at the Dog and Gun , a tavern well known for its radical associations , where unstamped , illegal newspapers had always been laid out openly on the bar-counter for the perusal of anyone so inclined .
3 For all that he could be expected to stay in the Lorrimores , car for at least fifteen more minutes I felt decidedly jittery , and I left the door open so that if he did come back unexpectedly I could say I was merely checking that everything was in order .
4 With more first preference votes as a result of successful equalisation McNarry might have expected to stay in the count longer than Bradford and thus receive votes from the transfers of opponents .
5 However , Mr Lamont wants to stay at the Treasury to oversee the long-awaited economic upturn .
6 and then if he ever wants to stay over a friends
7 It could be a good indicator for the Deep South where Bush must make an impact if he wants to stay in the race .
8 They would like to keep in touch with each other and with their older sister who wants to stay in the children 's home .
9 But it 's the nature of the offence as such that if a soldier is bullied , he 's unlikely if he wants to stay in the Army , to bring it to the attention of the authorities , because he know that afterwards he has then to live with the people who he 's complained about .
10 If he wants to stay in the race he may have no alternative but to abandon his original proposal and announce a rival offer on improved terms .
11 We want to stay at the top level while doing the same things we did 40 years ago .
12 ‘ I like it here and I want to stay for a while . ’
13 Everton offered better personal terms but hit man Harford settled on Chelsea because he and his family want to stay in the South .
14 and if you ca n't stay in the east , you want to stay in the east of the city ?
15 ‘ I like the freedom of being able to decide , tonight for example , whether I want to stay in the flat or whether I want to go down to Gloucestershire .
16 Without exception every single one of them in that room , and I invited every single one from the whole of my constituency , said , we want to stay in the National Health Service .
17 Fuel is needed if you want to stay in the air because the Epical engines consume fuel at an alarming rate .
18 ‘ That 's so , but it should n't be too much trouble for you if you really want to stay in the area . ’
19 If you want to stay in the village on a low income there is nowhere to rent or buy .
20 We want to stay in the area as we both like walking , especially in the Dales , ’ said Audrey .
21 And now that Lucy had resolved to stay for a few days , she decided to tell her aunt to expect her when she saw her .
22 Police believe she will need to stay at the hospital for at least another week .
23 I do need to stay on the fairway , though . ’
24 ‘ Do we really need to stay for the rest ? ’ he asked her as they sipped coffee in the tiny foyer , ‘ I mean , it 's not like there 's any mystery about it .
25 Patients still need to recuperate but do not need to stay in an acute hospital to do so .
26 But the Secretary had come to stay as the hub of the administrative process .
27 The new directly assessed tax had come to stay as the main supplement to the King 's ordinary revenue ; although fifteenths and tenths were generally granted in conjunction with subsidies for the rest of the century , the latter were much more productive .
28 Fluka is continuing to work to stay at the forefront of knowledge in these areas .
29 If there are no relatives or friends , staff should be organised to stay with the dying person .
30 What seems to happen there is the bird that 's deserted has to stay with the existing family because if he or she erm deserts , those chicks will , will , will die , so er it 's what is sometimes called the Concorde fallacy that if you put a lot of resources into something , you 've got ta see it through , because if you pull out just before the end you can lose everything , whereas i if , if you stay on even if you know it 's a failure , erm at least you may get something out of it , so the , in that case wi with monogamous birds the parent that 's deserted the one that 's left may have to stay , because if they desert then they can have no reproductive success whatsoever whereas at least if they stay they get something .
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