Example sentences of "[verb] everybody [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Er I should have reminded everybody at the beginning , when you wish when you start to speak , would you please introduce yourself , give your name and who you represent .
2 She gets her friend and they sort of lock arms and sort of do a rugby scrum and they knock everybody out the way .
3 I know how much he loves everybody in the house . ’
4 He helped everybody in the local community .
5 I 'm just trying to remember everybody in the same afternoon , to collect them all because of about six of them are being done around here
6 my Lord then all , what , then , was not restricting competition because the people you have excluded are not people who would be in the market in any event , you are already saying we 've got the level of the , the , the hurdle , the wall or the barrier to such a low level that anybody who 's outside it , it is simply not a competitor , we 've got everybody in the market who could conceivably deserve to be there , but there 's no restriction , no you maybe excluding criminals or fraudsters for a , until they 've been re rehabilitated , er and you 're excluding people who simply do not deserve to be there as competitors at all , but no capability of right to compete and that 's why there is no restriction , everybody is in the charm circle who wants to be there and is capable of competing and that 's what the commission are trying to get the rules down to , making sure that no one is outside of the wall who should be inside of the wall and that 's why of course at the end of the day they can give their clearances , there 's no restriction .
7 had a girl from another troop Lynn somebody ca n't remember her last name any way her first name was Lynn and as rumour had it , she 'd had everybody in the bedroom
8 I mean Forest are pulling everybody behind the ball and you know they ca n't just sling the ball through .
9 I thought he were gon na forget that , I thought I should of got up and told everybody at the front
10 And I was er doing my part I thought to change the world and get everybody into the union so we could get , get better conditions for , for everybody and all this , more money anyhow .
11 The parents had to be able to present a full defence , he said , and if the whole case had been heard in Inverness , it would have been almost impossible to fully safeguard their interests and get everybody in the right place at the right time .
12 With with the free kick , it 's midway inside his own half and Blackburn as they as they do away from home they get everybody behind the ball even if they are from the third division .
13 ‘ I have kind of an idea that gets everybody off the hook .
14 Wise up Buddy , and — sorry to use a cliché here — do n't tar everybody with the same brush .
15 Wise up Buddy , and — sorry to use a cliché here — do n't tar everybody with the same brush .
16 I 'm not looking Paul do n't tar everybody with the same brush .
17 Pardon , do n't tar everybody with the same brush .
18 I 'll have everybody in the hotel racing into this room to find out exactly what 's happening . ’
19 She settled everybody round the fire , took them hot drinks , and then set to work on her sweet-hearted retriever with a comb , during which she got her guests into perspective .
20 I mean if you allow everybody in the group to have free access to everybody else in the group you may get a sort of different characteristic erm than if you only allow certain hierarchy to exist within the group , certain lines of communication .
21 Mrs Maugham would often abuse this garden and the widower 's laziness , with a self-righteous , alarming complacency , saying that it was a scandal and a disgrace , and that it ought not to be allowed : and when one day Clara , exasperated , as she sometimes rashly was , out of her usual silence , asked her what harm it was doing anybody , Mrs Maugham had snapped triumphantly that it was harming everybody in the street , because it helped the weeds to spread .
22 And erm it was ex ex it was great having Chris along because erm he went out and grabbed everybody in the street , pulled them in onto the stall and er and got them got them to sign on the dotted line so to speak .
23 Compaq area sales manager Bernard Schaffer commented ‘ We have some flexibility , but we ca n't change the world , ’ adding ‘ the government is definitely under pressure , but the rules will hurt everybody in the market and finally they will hurt Slovakia . ’
24 The belief — fallacious , as it turned out — in the unique selling points of Event lulled everybody on the magazine into a false sense of security .
25 I compiled an anthology a few years ago about , of misogynist quotes , and it 's everything from the bible , the Koran , the Hindu , to , every religion 's in there , all the judges are in there , pop singers are in there , I mean everybody under the sun !
26 The following involves everybody at the same time .
27 The aims of the Fatherland Union were set out as being " to protect national interests , strengthen national unity and concord and unite everybody in the name of Bulgaria " .
28 Go round and ask everybody in the area .
29 ‘ Turned out we knew everybody in the audience as well !
30 Avoiding everybody in the staffroom is likely in the long term to be a bad strategy because its result is isolation .
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