Example sentences of "[verb] turned the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Now Wilkinson has turned the stale escargot into the galloping gourmet of the English game , a player who can be one of the shining lights of the new Premier League season .
2 Clinton has also promised a renewed American effort to end the crisis that has turned the former Yugoslavia into a horrific centre of conflict and atrocities .
3 But , it is that very fascination — bordering on fanaticism — with the game that has turned the Afrikaner sport into a political football , as the All Black and Wallaby tourists found out .
4 For most of Day Two , the sun seemed to shine on Worcestershire , but the game has turned the other way since tea .
5 His slowness to take decisions can frustrate colleagues , but the strategy he has followed since the £310 million management buy-in of Woolworth in 1982 has turned the renamed Kingfisher group into a British success story on a par with that of British Airways .
6 I 've walked the Roman road on wet windy December days when clouds have sailed across Drumaldrace and the stone walls have been silvered with rain and I 've sat by Semer Water on sweltering August days when the shimmering haze has turned the wild summer colours into pastel shades .
7 It 's almost like the ceremony of ordaining a bishop in fact if I 'd turned the wrong page we could have ended up with a bishop rather than an abbot you know
8 It could have turned the other way ; in case you might think this was a simple transaction — it was not .
9 And so with the help of these , they just managed to do a bit of slate , but if them had not gone back , I thinks this this strike would have turned the other way .
10 For a second she thought they must have turned the other way , and then she saw them again , riding through the trees , the sunlight striking them before they moved off into the shadows .
11 It is in accordance with such optimism that Euripides should have turned the suffering hero of earlier tragedy into a dialectician and the transcendental justice of Aeschylus into the " poetic justice " dispensed by the deus ex machina who appears at the end of so many of his plays .
12 You will still have turned the same amount as before , that is 180° .
13 Denis had turned the other chair round and now straddled it , his arms crossed and resting along its back , the gun on the tea-chest within easy reach .
14 The Israelis had turned the Damiani soap factory into a municipal museum but you could still see the family 's name in fading Arabic letters on the archway at one end of the building .
15 Before the first shots rang out , Adam had turned the shallow bend and was shielded by the safety of the trees .
16 Despite the number living in what was quite a small cottage , Mrs. Burden had turned the front room into a shop selling tobacco , confectionery and small oddments .
17 The ceaseless deluge had turned the small front yard of the cottage into a swamp .
18 The blood was oozing out from the tip of his boot and his face had turned the usual grey colour of the soldier who had been wounded .
19 The old colonial system stood in the way of any attempt to replace an empire based on bullion imports by a mercantilist empire à la Colbert , reserved for Spanish products and feeding the prosperity of the mother-country ; regimentation had failed when interlopers and smugglers had turned the Castilian monopoly into a fiction , when ‘ Spain kept the cow , the rest of Europe drank the milk ’ .
20 The setting sun had turned the pale stone walls to gold .
21 Political extremists in Aden and the neighbouring protectorate had turned the local British base into a liability .
22 In return for the money received by Northern Ireland from the British taxpayer , the Unionists had turned the British flag into a party-political symbol and had made a mockery of the British tradition of social justice .
23 In the USA disillusionment was even more obvious , especially after Vietnam and Watergate had turned the national mood from optimism to self-criticism .
24 His eyes had turned the same colour and I caught a whiff of that strange perfume which sometimes emanated from him , sweet but sickly .
25 The Israelis had turned the old Arab buildings south of the serail into a shopping and restaurant precinct , a tastefully laid out tourist attraction in which the best architectural features have been preserved .
26 Most of the summer 's extra 20,000 or so are the families of Athenians who have turned the western side of the island into a hot-weather dormitory suburb .
27 I mean unfortunately the authority in days gone by has benefited from the scheme in the sense that the extra , extra money in service in truth , the revenue was there , erm , the chickens have come home to roost in the sense that it 's , the tables have turned the other way , and I mean , gone are the days where , when we 're least worried out that impact that , that , that much more of our er , of our budget .
28 John Beck 's unfashionable team have turned the derided ‘ long ball ’ game into something of an art form , but their aerial bombardment of the Wolves goal failed to bring them the victory that would have enhanced their promotion prospects .
29 Paid holidays , more affluence and cheaper travel have turned the last few decades into an era of travel .
30 Black , spider-like chips have turned the white porcelain sink into mock Dalmation .
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