Example sentences of "[verb] turned into the " in BNC.

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1 Just a short distance away , where the Whitechapel Road has turned into the Mild End Road , was another East End concern whose name had become part of a company with national interests — Mann Crossman and Paulin of the Albion brewery .
2 The dispute between Australia 's 1,700 pilots and the airlines has turned into the country 's most bitter industrial confrontation for many years .
3 It has turned into the longest slump since the 1930s because real interest rates have remained punitively high , squeezing millions of home-owners who over-reached themselves in the housing boom .
4 An empty taxi came along soon after we 'd turned into the Commercial Road .
5 It had echoed after she 'd left him , as she 'd turned into the archway in the wall and passed through the shrubbery of azaleas and magnolias and tree mallows , as she 'd passed through the drawing-room and the hall .
6 How could she tell this hostile man that his brother had only suggested she pretend to be his fiancée as they 'd turned into the long drive leading up to Rocamar ?
7 A bakery had become a betting shop and a draper 's had turned into the offices of a building society .
8 The van had turned into the lane to Applewick — the lane that was crossed by the low bridge !
9 The ‘ blooming ’ of 1986 had turned into the ‘ weeding ’ of 1987 , thirty years after Mao Zedong 's campaign against ‘ rightist ’ intellectuals .
10 Back in August we joined forces with Cossack and asked you to look at your fella and tell us if the man of your dreams had turned into the man of your nightmares !
11 ‘ Why ? ’ asked Antony , with a polite interest which ten minutes later had turned into the real thing .
12 Velleius Paterculus and the Latin source of the first books of Appian 's Civil War ( for which Emilio Gabba suggested the name of Asinius Pollio ) came nearer to an Italian version of Roman political history , but by the time they wrote the imperialism of the Republic had turned into the bureaucratic Empire of the Caesars : what these historians said could no longer bear fruit .
13 And then he discomfited her utterly by keeping that silence until he had turned into the Hamiltons ' driveway , switched off the engine , and opened the boot to retrieve her luggage .
14 The party had quietened in the half-hour since Belinda had turned into the driveway , but music , laughter and conversation still flowed over her with a welcome wave of sound that drowned the thudding pulse in her ears and the silent clamour of her thoughts .
15 By the following year that innocence of 1969 had turned into the appearance of the first page three girls in the freshly Murdoch-bought Sun .
16 I wish had turned into the dinosaur bit .
17 The track he had chosen turned into the forest .
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