Example sentences of "[verb] opportunities for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A vacuum is then created because new employers have not been given a chance to develop sufficiently for an orderly takeover and employees have not been given opportunities for retraining .
2 The allies had to be given opportunities for glory , booty , settlements and trade in conquered lands .
3 Enrolled training would be phased out as fast as possible , with existing enrolled nurses given opportunities for conversion courses .
4 The growth of broadcasting hours made opportunities for lunchtime news in 1972 and an extended early evening news in 1976 , with similar BBC expansion and a distinctive approach from Channel 4 .
5 The department offers opportunities for postgraduate study in all areas of systematic theology from the Patristic to the Mediaeval era ; from the Reformation to modern times ; in philosophical theology , from the pre-Socratics to the encounter with modern humanist systems ; in comparative religion and the history and phenomenology of religions , and in such specialised topics as theology and ecology ; feminist theology ; theology and imagination ; theology in the post-modern world ; theology of world religions ; Celtic Christianity ; ecumenical theology ; and theology , ideology and culture ( representing some prominent research interests of current members of staff ) .
6 We advertise opportunities for promotion internally .
7 The authority will not only need to provide opportunities for development in schools in the form of in-service training opportunities and ‘ non-contract ’ periods but also to anticipate an adverse reaction from schools who believe that the outward referral of their pupils is the only acceptable solution to their troubles .
8 This probably represents the future , at any rate so long as petroleum-led growth continues to provide opportunities for differentiation .
9 Since it is one of the most natural of all pleasures , the Church should not be afraid to provide opportunities for enjoyment of it in worship .
10 It acts as a service agency for Christians working with youth , and is concerned to provide opportunities for education , and training , for consultation and referral , and to make known or available information , research and resources for frontier work .
11 To provide opportunities for research students to meet and discuss their work with their peers .
12 Together with the prosperous shopkeepers and merchants , rather than seeking to challenge the aristocracy , they found opportunities for investment and perhaps superior status in the farming of feudal dues .
13 Full-time provision includes courses of one to three and four years ' duration , some of which may be studied as separate ‘ end-on ’ courses and many of which provide opportunities for transfer of suitable students to degree courses .
14 The Caledonian Canal is right on the hotel 's doorstep and nearby Loch Eil and Loch Linnhe provide opportunities for boat trips .
15 Provide opportunities for detoxification in the community and a range of residential rehabilitation and recovery services .
16 ( The latter association , along with the other two major local authority associations — the Association of Metropolitan Associations and the Association of County Councils — and professional bodies such as SOLACE ( Society of Local Authority Chief Executives ) also provide opportunities for liaison at national level . )
17 The Party of European Socialists is constructing a European programme for jobs , growth and recovery to be channelled toward employment , intensive areas of growth , to tackle the pattern and distribution of work , to increase opportunities for employment rather than re-cycling unemployment and all of this to recognize that growth alone will not be enough .
18 The bill sought to remove one of the obstacles to full negotiations with the ANC , and had become necessary , according to the preamble , because " world events and domestic realities [ had ] created opportunities for reconciliation " .
19 Her empire had become unwieldy and , if its defences could be forced , it provided opportunities for trading and for snatching a few of the less well-defended colonies .
20 We continually seek opportunities for rationalisation and the release of land surplus to our requirements .
21 They restrict opportunities for choice , experiment and innovation , which are as much needed in education as in any other field .
22 The School of Scottish Studies in the Faculty of Arts affords opportunities for work not only on Scottish music but in all fields of ethnomusicology ; there is a sound archive containing material from all over the world .
23 We need also to identify opportunities for enrichment in older age , promote them , and defend them if they are misguidedly attacked .
24 Second , some responses are specifically social in nature and create opportunities for adult caretakers to interpret the infant 's behaviours as indications of social responsiveness .
25 Cut from one to the other and you create opportunities for humour or drama .
26 We need to develop techniques to allow tourists to see animals and plants , without destroying them ; to devise systems of farming that deliberately create opportunities for wildlife , and to design our cities with wildlife in mind .
27 Money as abstraction furnishes opportunities for possession , but mediates in this relationship to give rise to some separation between the specificity of being and the specificity of having , since money alone does not determine its further use by its presence , and is entirely ahistorical .
28 Diocesan or regional music festivals are valuable in helping churches find the right musical level and in providing opportunities for cathedral and parochial musicians to work together .
29 The twin objectives of raising awareness of subject assessment and of providing opportunities for college staff to benefit from the SCOTVEC presence seem to have been achieved .
30 The Circular exhorted LEAs to consider new ways of providing opportunities for adult education , including co-operation with universities and voluntary bodies .
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