Example sentences of "[verb] damage to the " in BNC.

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1 Coldness , blueness , or numbness of the injury , or the part beyond the injury , suggesting damage to the blood or nervous supply of that area .
2 But my bit had yet to come ; I had no idea if we had sustained damage to the undercarriage , although we had three greens burning bright , I motored in as if to land on new-laid eggs ; all the crew , including Jock the engineer , were at crash stations and we landed " soft as a mouse 's instep " , as Spike used to say .
3 The ironic thing is that the flight is to publicize damage to the ozone layer and it 's gas from fridges that causes most of that damage .
4 Apart from the view that the narrow roads around Oakhanger are inadequate to take a frequent pounding from dustcarts , villagers fear damage to the environment from pollution .
5 And workmen were out repairing damage to the illuminations , due for switch-on at the end of the week .
6 In this latter condition , gluten ( which is also found in oats , barley , and rye ) produces damage to the lining of the bowel , preventing normal absorption of nutrients from the diet .
7 As soon as he knows about it he goes into automatic " crisis mode " , remaining cool and placing top priority on obtaining the key facts and assessing the options to minimize damage to the company and its people while resolving the problem .
8 In turn Mazowiecki argued that the reforms should be continued at a cautious pace which would minimize damage to the social and economic fabric .
9 Coeliac disease is an extreme sensitivity to wheat that causes damage to the structure of the small intestine ( see p l36 ) .
10 That tort , we think , consists essentially of a breach by the defendant of a duty to take reasonable care which causes damage to the plaintiff .
11 However , if the fish begin to suffer damage to the scales , which could result in an outbreak of fungus , I would advise you to remove the Plec .
12 Sholto Douglas engaged two Bf110s , but these turned on the Fulmar , gaining hits on both its wings which caused damage to the hydraulic system .
13 Assume further that the loose goods caused damage to a vulnerable vessel structure , which damage , in turn , caused damage to the goods themselves .
14 Owing to a rainfall of extraordinary violence , the stream overflowed at the pond , and a great volume of water , which would normally have been carried off by the stream , poured down a public street into the town and caused damage to the plaintiffs ' property .
15 In separate incidents in November a journalist was shot dead and bombs caused damage to the Istanbul offices of ANAP .
16 It acknowledged that states had the sovereign right to exploit their own resources ( by implication , therefore , ruling out coercive action to halt the destruction of , for example , the tropical forests ) , but added the rider that they should not do so in a manner which caused damage to the environment of other states .
17 It said that states had the sovereign right to exploit their own resources ( by implication , therefore , ruling out coercive action to halt the destruction of tropical forests ) , but added the rider that they should not do so in a manner which caused damage to the environment of other countries .
18 Elliott suffered damage to the cruciate ligaments in his knee during an incident with Saunders at Anfield on September 5 .
19 Punishment is an unsatisfactory operational philosophy because it risks damage to the ultimate end of enforcement , and control of the case does not remain in their hands .
20 First one has to ask whether as between the alleged wrongdoer and the person who has suffered damage there is a sufficient relationship of proximity or neighbourhood such that , in the reasonable contemplation of the former , carelessness on his part may be likely to cause damage to the latter , in which case a prima facie duty of care arises .
21 v. Veitch that if there is a combination of persons whose purpose is to cause damage to the plaintiff , that purpose may render unlawful acts which would otherwise be lawful .
22 The object or purpose of the combination must be to cause damage to the plaintiff .
23 They cause damage to the vessel lining , which then creates a tendency for blood clots or emboli to develop .
24 To summarise , he felt that ( 1 ) a minority of mountain bike riders cause damage to the land and ( 2 ) that therefore you would be opposed to the idea of the path — ‘ the majority must suffer for the misbehaviour of a minority ’ .
25 Broca ( 1961 , in Kolb and Whishaw 1985 ) had reported that a series of patients with severe disturbances of speech had all suffered damage to the inferior part of the third frontal convolutions of their left hemispheres and Jackson ( in Kolb and Whishaw 1985 ) had described cases of ‘ petit mal ’ epilepsy which involved only a limited number of ‘ faculties ’ .
26 At ‘ The Caithness and Sutherland Industrial and Art Exhibition ’ to give it its full title , a labourer was charged with having done damage to the extent of £8 by falling upon a glass case and breaking a valuable jug the property of one John Fitsgibbon , china merchant .
27 Another important aim I envisaged for New Millennium when it was incorporated in 1983 was the development of holiday ideas which would try to eliminate damage to the environment associated with mass tourism .
28 Some viruses , including court-noué , are spread by microscopic worm-shaped organisms called nematodes , of which there are two basic types — root-knot and root-lesion — and many different species , all of which , in addition to infecting the vine , can inflict damage to the roots which can be confused with phylloxera .
29 To protect the village from the dangers of commercial and other development and prevent damage to the local peaceful environment .
30 Johnson wrote to him in December 1987 , pleading with him for a meeting to settle the matter quietly to avoid lurid publicity in the mass media , and prevent damage to the church 's work with homeless people .
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