Example sentences of "[verb] to work [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In photography , I tend to work with clients who 've heard me talk or seen my work , so they know my agenda .
2 Yesterday , a spokesman , said the company did not want to work on Sundays .
3 Its 200-page Environmental Management for Hotels : The Industry Guide to Best Practice , to be launched on Mar 21 , points out that energy conservation measures pay for themselves through cost saving and hence improve the business ' competitiveness ; that the pressure is on worldwide to demonstrate commitment to the sustainable development of tourism ; that staff will want to work for companies with good environmental practices ; that concern for the environment is shared by an increasing number of those involved in hotels ; and that a good track record in the field helps when developing new ventures or projecting a brand image .
4 I will always want to work with companies and I actually enjoy being based in buildings .
5 Tony left the Picture Group and joined Jocelyne Benzakin 's agency because he wanted to continue to work on projects and was impressed with what she does and her perceptions of photography .
6 Although more women are j t joining trade unions , they have to continue to work in places where their bosses are opposed to union membership .
7 ( b ) Counteract the tendency for the most able craftsmen preferring to work as sub-contractors .
8 We also tried to work with housewives , usually the wives of trade unionists .
9 So if you want to work with scans or photographs , you need a paint package .
10 I 'm not sure now whether I want to work with adults , or children , or mentally or physically handicapped people .
11 The problem with such software is that it runs under DOS , and you want to work under Windows .
12 I want to work in films . ’
13 You will need to work in groups of three of four .
14 In any organisation , one often has to work with subordinates — and superiors — whom one does not like .
15 Women are expected to work on shifts though none like the ‘ unsociable ’ ones .
16 If you have such a machine that is n't up to running the sort of thing that you are interested in then why not pension it off to another user who needs to work with spreadsheets .
17 Currently , Taligent needs to work with others in the area of distributed object models .
18 But it rejected her claim that he told her to come to work in suspenders .
19 But they seemed to work for researchers whose single-minded concern was to delineate the biochemistry , neurophysiology and cell biology of learning and memory .
20 They too seemed to work in shifts .
21 A SHOPWORKER who claimed she was sacked for refusing to work on Sundays won a claim for unfair dismissal at a Hull industrial tribunal yesterday .
22 Difficult meeting as some Social Workers are refusing to work with colleagues and have taken steps to frustrate the function of the Area Team .
23 Therefore , at present , it is wise to design to work with systems which are likely to be available in schools in the near future , though options requiring extra facilities may sometimes be explored .
24 Nowadays wanting to work on Saturdays and I said right I 've had enough Friday .
25 The Government recognise the importance of personal conscience in this context and included a measure of protection for existing shop workers against being made to work on Sundays in the Shops Bill which was debated by the House in 1986 .
26 The Bebington Council of Churches , which comprises 18 member churches of all denominations , has decided to work with experts on the problem .
27 We are now including architectural practices on our list of potential clients and can choose to work with architects with a particular skill , appropriate to the project .
28 After the Newcastle upon Tyne hearing , Tracey — who now refuses to work for men — said : ‘ I hope this is a warning to men harassing girls at work . ’
29 If children are allowed and encouraged to work in areas which interest them , this ought to be a useful means of demonstrating to them the usefulness of developing their reading skills .
30 So , yes , if staff are conducting research , the more they can be persuaded to work in areas which directly ‘ underpin' the curriculum , the less is the intellectual distance between their teaching and research activities .
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