Example sentences of "[verb] brought [pers pn] into " in BNC.

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1 Her chatting has brought her into conflict , albeit in a humorous way , with Pedrosa .
2 As attorney-general , he visited Belfast monthly and knows the top players in the establishment there , and responsibility for issues such as extradition has brought him into contact with senior figures in the Republic .
3 This has brought them into conflict with the fishing industry as the harvesting of abalone is commercially important .
4 Inevitably , this has brought them into competition for limited resources with the other activities of the polytechnics and colleges .
5 Whatever the division among teachers about aspects of the new curriculum , most found that it has brought them into a closer relationship with the school library :
6 We 're asking for a union campaign , and I 've got to applaud Mick and APEX at the APEX conference , we are at the forefront of this issue , we 've worked hard with that family , Jenny and Peter to bring this issue to the , to national attention , through that , our Euro M P , through Denise there , Denise has brought it into Europe .
7 Mr Brown 's trip to Harlem has brought us into an urban landscape known to tabloid headline writers as Beirut-on-Hudson , an advance on their earlier versions of , first , Naples-on-Hudson , and then Calcutta-on-Hudson .
8 1:3 , 23 ) has brought us into God 's new creation ( 2 Cor.
9 The one that for the past five years has brought us into crisis , anarchy , and economic decay ? "
10 A man who has a job that could possibly have brought him into contact with the victims , though I do n't think so myself .
11 Having brought them into being with your eyes , you tried to force them back in again before they writhed and proliferated everywhere .
12 The directors , who met weekly , acted as a house committee , and the minutes of their meetings show them to have been diligent in pursuing the objectives set out in the preamble to the Act of Parliament which had brought them into existence .
13 These jobs also enabled the mixed-race people to band together into tightly knit communities , where they could keep their existence constantly before the white masters whose earlier sexual peccadillos had brought them into being .
14 A mere two hundred miles from Washington had brought them into a different season although it was obviously the first hint of real autumn in New York : around them others were hurrying because they were too thinly dressed or tugging at coats and gloves that were unfamiliar and awkward after half a year at the back of the closet .
15 Sir Hugh Hastings of Fenwick seems to have been primarily Northumberland 's man , but his land in south Yorkshire had brought him into contact with Gloucester as early as 1471 , when the duke made him his deputy steward of Snaith , and to judge by his choice of feoffees Hastings maintained links with the duke 's circle .
16 These were voiced most clearly by the radical priest John Ball , whose record of inflammatory preaching had brought him into conflict with the authorities as early as 1366 , and who had been imprisoned earlier in 1381 for his hostility to the Pope and the prelates ( 11 , p.372 ) .
17 Sir Hugh Hastings of Fenwick seems to have been primarily Northumberland 's man , but his land in south Yorkshire had brought him into contact with Gloucester as early as 1471 , when the duke made him his deputy steward of Snaith , and to judge by his choice of feoffees Hastings maintained links with the duke 's circle .
18 It had been clear that Bowman , a research scientist and administrator , was anxious to press ahead as fast as possible , and this had brought him into conflict on several occasions with industry , the government and the NRA chair , Lord Crickhowell .
19 The plaintiff could not prove that the defendant knew it was a secret process either because of its nature or because he had been specifically told that it was and Vaisey J pointed out that if it were really secret it was surprising that the defendant 's employment had brought him into contact with it ; he had been to prison in the past .
20 Then , after she had taken her tour of Nightmare City , they had brought her into the middle of town and dumped her .
21 There had been anger as well at the cruel jest of fate that had brought her into love with her own brother .
22 For Michelene Wandor , the night-tripper to the It launch in 1966 , her husband Ed 's connections had brought her into contact with Oz too .
23 Ours was a one-off Section in that we had n't been sent to Castelnaudary where things were reputed to be much easier , and where there was a spirit of prevailing moderation which had pervaded the Legion since Mitterrand had brought it into line with the rest of the French army .
24 Designed for use off-road , their increasing numbers have brought them into conflict with ramblers and other groups using the countryside .
25 The Conservative government 's policies on taxation and welfare have brought it into increasing conflict with the Church of England .
26 No , the difficulty I have with Dennett 's excellent paper , and the reason I have brought it into discussion here , has to do with the fact that he never actually says which parts of the diagram are in consciousness and his view is consistent with consciousness being ( a ) the ‘ control box ’ , ( b ) sometimes one box and sometimes another ( very like the ‘ heterarchical aspect ’ of Minsky 's views , which I earlier called a ‘ pinball machine ’ theory of consciousness ) , or ( c ) some elements of what passed down the communication channels , that is to say , the lines between the boxes .
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