Example sentences of "[verb] myself in [art] " in BNC.

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1 I tried new drivers — Armenians , Indians , Arabs , blacks — but ended up driving myself in a rented car .
2 I really did enjoy myself in the Tests last summer and know I can reproduce that form again . ’
3 If you 're a good girl I 'll take you home myself in the morning . ’
4 That being so , ‘ I must immerse myself in the atmosphere of my homeland . ’
5 But she undercuts this realization with footnotes which describe similarities , but no differences , in the articulation of gender in homosexual relationships ; and which parallel the unconscious splits generated by discourses of gender , with those generated by racist discourses : ‘ When I made generalisations about women ( almost always derogatory ) , I did not include myself in the group I was talking about … .
6 ( When I practised this meditation , while writing this chapter , I was surprised to find myself in a small , dusty American town in the days of the Western .
7 Another officer was called , and I was carried away , with much clanking of keys , eventually to find myself in a small room , where I was dumped in a negligent way on a table .
8 I did n't go into the parents ' room but went on beyond it to find myself in the rear part of the carriage , at the very end of the train .
9 When I want to find myself in the dream of the New Look , I have to reconstruct the picture , look down at my sandals and the hem of my dress , for in the dream itself I am only an eye , watching .
10 To find myself in the company of so many eminent , discerning and open-minded independent shopkeepers , affords me pleasure beyond expression .
11 This is why , at the moment , I 'm being a bit cautious about remaining in my cavity I do n't want to find myself in the situation that I 'm held to sell .
12 When the appointed hour approached and we could see the visitors massing outside the glass doors at the end of the ward , waiting for opening-time , I would bury myself in a book to hide my pink eyes ; but they would none the less be drawn irresistibly to watch the passage of each visitor along the aisle while I thought babyishly , " Somebody might think to come . "
13 And yet , alighting in the sunshine from the trembling train I found myself in a space transfigured by the three stages of the passage through the underworld that is matinee cinema : the transition from day to night ; the day for night of the viewing ; the transition back to daylight .
14 I found myself in a grey council estate that faced the river .
15 Yet the magical city had not yet finished with me , for I somehow found myself in a dark little wood-panelled bar , with a cosy snug in the rear , and a counter near the door left over from the pub 's grocery-bar days at the turn of the century .
16 I found myself in a smart town square surrounded by glittering bars , hotels and souvenir shops .
17 All of a sudden , I found myself in a festive gathering , as I had absent-mindedly gatecrashed an exhibition launch at the Gallery of Photography .
18 I wandered into the wholesale office of a big tobacco factory , and found myself in a dark panelled Victorian world of snuff counters , old polished scales for weighing out ounces of baccy and a snug with settle chairs .
19 I was terrified of him , but I found myself in a horrible Catch 22 situation .
20 She barked back , the door slid open wide enough for me to enter and I found myself in a roomful of dames all with rigor mortis of the third-finger-of-the-left-hand .
21 I found myself in a rough cubicle with a torn curtain hanging to approximately knee-height .
22 I 'd been playing slide for years and I found myself in a blues band .
23 At the top I found myself in a wide gallery looking down onto the floor below .
24 I found myself in a large room , where the curtains were closed to allow no daylight in , and the candles were lit .
25 Suddenly I found myself in a sack much larger than my body , but completely dark .
26 I awoke , and found myself in a cold hillside .
27 I slipped past the dozing duo , and found myself in a labyrinth of corridors .
28 So it was that eventually I found myself in a hospital in Swindon close to other victims of Larry Foot .
29 and I found myself in a bare street .
30 I heard no more from the Head ( could someone have come worse than me ? ) and also I found myself in a new dorm filled with chaps who were in the top classes at school .
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