Example sentences of "[verb] myself the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But you were right when you insisted that I must give myself the opportunity to learn my true feelings , although … ’
2 I might have saved myself the trouble , as the family remained together for only a short time afterwards ; my sisters married , leaving only my mother and myself at home …
3 I could have saved myself the trouble .
4 Had I proposed to keep working until the hotel was a hotbed of gossip , and leave only when I 'd made myself the centre of a tasty little scandal ?
5 After my fourth or fifth lesson I was able to see that it was I who was causing myself the discomfort .
6 Then I allowed myself the luxury to think ‘ Hey , yeah , at 30 you 're not such a failure after all . ’
7 I had convinced myself the diet was necessary even though I found it tough going and particularly rough after a major operation and great weight loss .
8 I 'll give you that guarantee myself the company do n't like me doing this but I will guarantee .
9 It was whilst working my way through this , often writing in the column headings for several pages in advance to give myself the illusion that I had completed more than I actually had , that two important suspicions that had lain dormant for some time rose up and took on the aspect of horribly credible hypotheses .
10 However insignificant in myself I am the Representative on this question of no mean body in this country who would be … disappointed and chagrined at the suspension of the question — But further — and this is a consideration far more really influential on my Conduct — I can not but feel myself the Representative of a Body who can not speak for themselves and for whom I must act without other guide than my own Conscience .
11 ‘ Although I 'm champion and it 's been a wonderful year I feel I ca n't truly call myself the title holder until I beat Joey on the roads . ’
12 Sixty years ago C. J. Herrick , the American comparative anatomist , dubbed it the ‘ organ of civilisation ’ , and I have set myself the task of seeing how far our scientific knowledge of nerve cells might earn the neocortex this grandiose title : Would these nerve cells , as actors , be able to perform the play , ‘ Civilisation ’ ?
13 The mere fact that I have set myself the end X , with Y as a necessary means to it , and without conflict with other prudential or moral considerations , does not guarantee me from being mistaken in doing Y ( Anyone who supposed that it did would indeed be guilty of the Naturalistic Fallacy without appeal . )
14 But the more I know them , the more I ask myself the question , ‘ What is the purpose ? ’
15 So I gave myself the day off . ’
16 But although I asked myself the question , I knew the answer .
17 I made myself the timetable you know .
18 Basically , that means maintaining quality work , but easing down to give my body time to recover and possibly even occasionally allowing myself the luxury of collapsing on the settee , falling asleep and dreaming of all those races I wish I could still win .
19 It is a skill I have honed on a host of beautiful staircases and , before tonight 's professional debut , my most singular success has been at a large hotel in Sloane Street where we just chose Miss London.The marble stairs to the entrance hall are just too perfect to ignore , with only a couple of people chatting on the right halfway down.I take the left hand course and soar down and round the gentle curve in nothing short of majestic style , allowing myself the luxury of a smile and a brief wave to the startled pair as I rattle by .
20 ‘ I 've never had children , I 've never given myself the time and that 's a matter of some regret .
21 But it was when I came to ask myself the reason for such a wild suggestion that I received a greater shock .
22 Takahashi is one of those people I loved on sight , or with whom I just wanted to go to bed , but denied myself the opportunity , thus leaving them forever desirable in my memory .
23 I had the strange impression that he wanted me to believe he was death ; that at any moment the leathery old skin and the eyes would fall , and I should find myself the guest of a skeleton .
24 ‘ But he WAS going to get what I really , deeply wanted myself the excitement of first being in love .
25 I think he just wants to keep putting it off ; he might be frightened of me gaining too much independence , or he might simply be scared that I 'll kill myself the way a lot of youths seem to when they get a bike .
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