Example sentences of "[verb] herself down [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perdita cried unashamedly after they left , fleeing to her bare room and hurling herself down on the pink counterpane .
2 Neither of them now took notice of Aggie 's returning to the room and seating herself down on the leather couch .
3 She threw herself down on the sofa , and slept .
4 She threw herself down on the bed and started crying wildly .
5 When she threw herself down on the grass , he had expected Underwood to take advantage of the situation , but he sat upright and apart .
6 She scuffed through the gap in the chalk circle and threw herself down on the sacks .
7 She peeled off her wrap , threw herself down on the bunk and gloomily contemplated the future .
8 ‘ Some charm , ’ she muttered as she threw herself down on the bed .
9 She threw herself down at her desk and read Nicola 's note through yet again , the sparkle of excitement in her eyes .
10 Bathsheba walked up and down , crying and whispering to herself , then threw herself down by the road , exhausted .
11 She said she had not wanted to die but that she had taken the tablets to calm herself down in order to get some sleep .
12 In spite of having sponged herself down in cold water to close the pores , and liberally applied powdered chalk to absorb the perspiration , she could feel the rivulets of sweat running down her back and the insides of her thighs .
13 Caro nodded , consciously slowing herself down to Clare 's pace .
14 Willingly or unwillingly , she had bound herself down to a copy book with a fidelity that approaches , and this particularly in her most abstract canvases , the photographic …
15 Hatchet-faced , tough as the city 's granite , Yevdoxia plumped herself down at Anna 's side .
16 She swung herself down from the back door and went round to the front steps of the kiosk .
17 Mrs Totteridge swung herself down from the horse 's back and strode to the Range Rover .
18 Ruth saw thrown spears hang in the air as if floating in water , and she thrust herself down into the grass , her face in her hands so as not to see any more .
19 She hated herself for that , bringing herself down to a spiteful , vengeful , ‘ woman scorned ’ level .
20 She flung herself down beside him .
21 Breathlessly she flung herself down on the window seat .
22 Dolly limped to the bed and flung herself down on it , stifling hysteria .
23 Then suddenly she flung herself down on the bed and closed her eyes .
24 Felicity flung herself down on the sacrificial stone , opening wide her legs , arching her back , so that her pudendum rose in the air like some nocturnal flower .
25 She flung herself down on her bunk , burying her face in the pillow .
26 He left , and Fran flung herself down on the bed , pummelling the pillow with her fists in a sudden explosion of temper .
27 Then she flung herself down into her pillows and gave way to tears of frustration and rage .
28 She pointed to the couch , and when Millie was seated she lowered herself down beside her and , taking her hands , said , ‘ You 're frightened of that man are n't you ? ’
29 He felt the moistness , felt the narrow aperture , then slowly , her eyes never leaving his , she lowered herself down as if she were impaling herself on his flesh .
30 Big Momma settled herself down on the ceiling of the bathroom in number 31 , St George 's Road , Solihull , Birmingham , England .
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