Example sentences of "[verb] herself with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And remember , ’ she told herself with growing horror , ‘ what Mr Bishop 's brother said !
2 But Fatima was laughing and loving herself with crossed arms .
3 Franca naturally busied herself with genuine tasks , of which there were always plenty .
4 She contents herself with short , heartfelt abuse of the dickhead kind .
5 During the short five-year period of the Second World War , a layer of air power was added to that foundation , but since the atomic bombs were dropped on Japan in 1945 , and Britain armed herself with nuclear weapons in the 1950s , the Three Pillars have stood just as securely upon the strategic nuclear deterrent .
6 Jenny had a very poor topographical imagination and needed to apply herself with great concentration to the task of relating the main lines of street lights to her own knowledge of the town .
7 Because she knew he would be meeting her at the road alone , she had risen very early and bathed and scented herself with special care in her suite at the Continental Palace that morning .
8 She 's always been one to surround herself with young bucks .
9 This clearly symbolised Russia 's new strength and the international position to which she had now raised herself with spectacular speed .
10 Isobel , thinking of that as she walked in the gardens at St-Cloud in the autumn sunshine , hugged herself with secret joy .
11 Ah , but who , she asked herself with sudden foreboding , is going to cure you of Penry Meredith Vaughan ?
12 If her personality tends to be an obsessive one — if she is excessively devoted to tidiness and perfect order in every part of her life and home , a great maker of ‘ lists ’ for everything and a habitual ‘ double-checker ’ in all her activities — you may find that although she is grieving deeply , she may throw herself with remarkable zeal into the business of ‘ tidying up ’ her husband 's financial affairs and concentrating even more strongly on getting everything in the house cleaned and polished ; for this is the method used by most people who are inclined to be obsessional , to control their anxiety .
13 And she involves herself with equal energy in various local charities .
14 ‘ It does her ego good to flirt with me ; it 's the star of the show 's privilege to indulge herself with up-and-coming actors like myself — I 'm not kidding you , ’ he had told them , ‘ she 's all over me when we film ! ’
15 She equipped herself with secretarial skills when her family was growing up , and has worked for many interesting people and for the Diocese of Bath and Wells with Bishop John Bickersteth .
16 Begin again , distant and spare , a clinical account of how a man — an economist — encountered a beautiful brown woman , the one hundred and fifty-sixth prostitute to spread herself with simulated murmurs and greedy eyes beneath his unslaked loins .
17 But she did not strike him as a girl who would get much pleasure out of flagellating herself with self-loathing and trembling hypocrisy .
18 So much for that gallant , knightly rescuer , she berated herself with sudden savagery .
19 And when the satin had been recovered and she had found — after a painful , dry-mouthed fortnight of dosing herself with cheap gin and jumping down the cellar steps whenever Odette was not looking — that she was , miraculously , not pregnant , she had believed her luck to be on the turn .
20 It is indeed a middling grand house , in red brick with three storeys of segment-headed windows characteristic of the early Georgian , and just the shape to frame the passionate , scarred face of Rosa Dartle , destroying herself with unrequited love for the seducer Steerforth .
21 If it had ever existed , the cosy Whitehall corridor was long gone , though Agnes sometimes wondered what it would be like to concern herself with frustrating only other countries ' spies .
22 At the other extreme , Belinda attached herself with limpet-like tenacity , as Rachel remembered she had done previously in the swimming-pool , doggedly refusing to be distracted by any other diversion , engrossed only in Rachel 's clothes , her hair and the colour of her lipstick .
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