Example sentences of "[verb] herself [v-ing] at " in BNC.

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1 Lee found herself gazing at the pubes of a woman a little way along from her and thinking about undergrowths and mazes and secrets and magic and dirt .
2 She found herself gazing at Roman 's secretary-receptionist with an effort at detachment , trying to pin-point the exact logical reason for this rush of unprecedented hatred towards someone she barely knew .
3 Lindsey found herself gazing at a fully equipped unit that would have done credit to any major hospital .
4 Leaning away slightly as Ibn Fayoud enveloped her in his gowns and aftershave , Kelly found herself looking at a smiling Annie .
5 Beth shuffled her feet in the awkward silence and found herself looking at the second man more closely .
6 Luke was standing outside on the balcony , and once again she found herself looking at his back .
7 When her lashes lifted she found herself looking at a name .
8 Drawing it out , she found herself looking at a face which was striking both for its good looks and its expression of surprise .
9 She found herself looking at his mouth , and remembering .
10 Nikos smiled and said something softly in Greek , and for some reason Lindsey found herself blushing at the sudden contact of Niall 's hand against her arm , but she could n't interpret the look he gave her as they were ushered towards one of the few empty tables overlooking the harbour .
11 Muriel , very much a Yorkshirewoman , was one of Anne Talintyre 's pupils in Leeds , and in 1965 , when the Leeds training was set up , found herself commuting at weekends from Edinburgh to Leeds to be trained by Rita , Beryl and Edith .
12 She asked herself which of them she should phone and found herself trembling at the thought of phoning any of them .
13 Again she found herself trembling at the thought .
14 Paige found herself blinking at him .
15 As the sound of his car died away she found herself staring at the blank windows of Ivy Cottage across the lane .
16 Polly found herself staring at his thighs , mesmerised by the powerful muscles that bunched and flexed beneath bronzed skin dusted with gold-brown hair .
17 She was still sick at heart when she passed down through the last glade and found herself staring at the Lodge 's covert thatch , its closed door , She stood for a time in the yard outside , afraid to enter .
18 Jessamy found herself staring at the powerful set of his shoulders , and remembered all too clearly that the aura of power was n't just an illusion .
19 Isabel found herself staring at Matilda 's kindly face , completely at a loss .
20 She stood motionless , waiting for the two to break apart , and found herself staring at the girl from whom Niall was now gently detaching himself .
21 She swung round , empty syringe still in her hand , and found herself staring at Robert Sheldrake .
22 ’ He sounded quite excited and Folly found herself smiling at the way his dramatic gesture was bringing out the little boy in someone as sophisticated as Luke .
23 And she found herself smiling at the stark contrast between the two figures — the small passive figure of the elderly servant and the dynamic , vivid figure of the dark-haired man .
24 She found herself smiling at him suddenly as they gained the shelter of the sitting-room and went in search of towels .
25 She had , in her naïveté or her stupidity — she was never sure which — imagined herself standing at the elbow of a Valentino or an Armani , learning to drape soft wools , to design things that had classical beauty .
26 She 'd suddenly found herself staring at his hands , which were clenched together behind his back .
27 Nutty felt herself flinching at the dreadful truth put into such forthright speech .
28 She was to be sure to concentrate first on the relaxation part of the exercise , and was to stop immediately if she felt herself becoming at all upset .
29 Now she was praying that her idea was wrong , that she would find herself looking at someone totally unfamiliar .
30 Biting her lip hard to prevent herself screaming at him to stop sitting there like some damned great Buddha she busied herself finding soap powder for the machine , and in her agitation knocked the packet over , spilling powder all over the floor .
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