Example sentences of "[verb] herself [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 What distressed her most was that she began to find herself liking the woman , with whom she realized she had much in common .
2 At a ceilidh held for the Ukrainians at Seamill on the Monday evening , Pru Williams again excelled herself translating the name of the band , Chanty Dyke , and even managed to explain ‘ Holy Willie 's Prayer ’ as Jimmy Conn recited it .
3 Cassie , who by now was trembling so violently that she could not trust herself to lift the loaded tray , said lightly : ‘ Take the tray , will you , Jenny ?
4 Christina found herself remembering the way the promising young architect had first come into their lives .
5 As she floated there , she found herself remembering the sight of Tsu Ma in the water , his chest bared , his hair slicked back ; the presence of his boots planted so solidly on the earth beneath the table ; the deep , warm vibration of his voice .
6 The whole day had been a great strain and although they had attempted to resolve their differences and clear the air Rachel found herself dreading the prospect of working with David Markham on a permanent basis .
7 With every step her energy crackled ; scarcely knowing at first what she said , she found herself reciting the lines from Cymbeline .
8 Folly found herself reading the labels on boxes stacked around her .
9 Yet she could n't lose herself in the story ; the movements of Luke 's hand as he made lightning sketches , the lazy , sinuous stretching of his legs as he shifted his position impinged upon her concentration , and she found herself reading the same page over and over .
10 To her annoyance , Ronni found herself watching the long tanned fingers and remembering with a start how they had felt against her flesh .
11 They were soft slippers , decorated with amethyst for wearing on thick carpets and Hari found herself envying the girl who seemed to have everything in life she could possibly want .
12 She found herself envying the easy banter between her cousins and aunt , the argumentative informality of mealtimes , the laughter and bustle and hugs .
13 With the noise of the water splashing round her head and drumming into the bath , Melissa found herself reliving the time she had spent with Fernand in that dark , echoing cavern .
14 If she shared no blood tie with Hugh Russell , she found herself debating the morality of claiming any part of his estate at all .
15 Turning around , she found herself facing the dark , handsome-looking woman who 'd arrived with Ross Aldridge and whom Diane assumed to be his wife .
16 There was neither joy nor peace in the house and she found herself wishing the time away until it should be March .
17 She found herself enjoying the sight of his embarrassment and frantic need to buy thinking time .
18 Robyn leant against the door to the office and found herself experiencing the old , familiar surge of deep annoyance .
19 Something in the tone of his voice reached her and she found herself unlocking the door , opening it , looking up at his hard , handsome face with wary eyes .
20 But , years later , Liz found herself visiting the Freud museum in Berggasse in Vienna , and there she suddenly saw it all — the red walls , the figurines , and , perhaps most distinctively , the predominance of red carpet-cushions , the characteristic mixture of Persian geometric patterns on floor and couch — a Jewish mixture , a Viennese mixture , a Freudian mixture ?
21 Then I told her about my Tante Frieda in the Great War , who found herself matching the curtains at an embassy party .
22 Gradually she found herself breathing the clean , laundered smell of his linen shirt , and the warmer , subtler scent of his skin , with a growing and bewildered delight .
23 Jessamy looked at him and found herself noticing the changes in him .
24 Nevertheless she found herself giving the details of her history to a woman over the telephone who fortunately spoke English , along , she was told , with five other languages .
25 Jessamy found herself resenting the tranquillity of the scene when she felt so very unpeaceful inside herself .
26 Miss Grimes had certainly been glad of the presents but she had not really seemed as destitute and lonely as Ianthe had expected — perhaps secretly even hoped — and she found herself resenting the way she had taken the violets .
27 Numb with agony and humiliation , she got undressed like a ghost and went to bed , unable to let herself dwell too deeply on what had happened in case she found herself asking the inevitable question : if I hate Damian Flint , why has he been able to hurt me so deeply ?
28 Something snapped inside her and she found herself grabbing the mutton and wresting the plate , with what was left of the uncut joint still on it , and running with it from his crazed presence .
29 She knew all too well he meant nothing by it , that he probably had n't even noticed he was doing it , but she still found herself hoarding the memory of each insignificant caress as a miser would hoard gold .
30 She heads an executive committee of about 20 and has herself instigated the Westminster meeting , which she describes as ‘ my baby ’ .
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