Example sentences of "[verb] changes [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Thus Gillespie proceeds carefully to examine structural conditions underpinning changes in East London industry and the interventionist strategy of the LLP .
2 As part of the structure of cell membrane , they exert control on its intrinsic proteins — for example , enzymes , receptors , by inducing changes in membrane fluidity .
3 ‘ We expect sweeping changes at IBM to be announced shortly and we believe that if possible , IBM will introduce changes in equity ownership , ’ Merrill Lynch & Co analyst Dan Mandresh told investment clients in a report .
4 If it is not due to diagnostic suspicion bias then postulated mechanisms might include changes in gall bladder contractility associated with the progesterone content , or increased cholesterol saturation of bile due to the oestrogen content .
5 The stimuli which the cell receives from the matrix can then initiate changes in gene expression with temporally related changes in cell structure which result directly from the same signals or are determined by concomitant but separate cell-matrix interaction .
6 The latter approach embraces production ecology as study of the rate of production of organic matter in an ecosystem , and population ecology which studies changes in population numbers of the species of the ecosystem .
7 Tracing and , where possible , explaining changes over time in these fundamental features of economic life is the major task .
8 This technique , particularly associated with the Millward Brown research agency , involves a continuous survey with the results accumulated on a rolling four or eight-week basis , so as to relate changes in awareness and attitudes very precisely to changes in your own and competitive brands ' advertising activity .
9 Her lawyers are likely to demand changes to Torch Song , based on the romantic bestseller by Judith Krantz .
10 To have used the booklet is associated with more positive attitudes towards its general utility ; teachers who recall it well hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility and flexibility and effectiveness than those who have not ; as might be expected , teachers who associate changes in school with the use of the booklet hold more positive attitudes towards its general utility than those who do not ; teachers in schools in the less prosperous northern part of the borough are less negative with respect to its efficiency .
11 A structured visit from the attached inspector , talking things through as a ‘ critical friend ’ with the head or others , possibly having visited them in their classrooms first , can focus attention on all parts of the School Development Plan and suggest changes of emphasis and ways round emergent problems .
12 The trust highlights changes in farming practice that have led to the decline , including a switch from spring to autumn cultivation , depriving the birds of stubble for winter feeding , the growth in the use of inorganic fertilisers and insecticides , and the greater effectiveness of herbicides in controlling weeds .
13 Secchi disk measurements in the North Pacific , while clearly a surprisingly sensitive measure of phytoplankton biomass , can not be used to infer changes in phytoplankton productivity .
14 Noting that rats tend naturally to be either left- or right-pawed in reaching for and picking up their food , he constrained them to reach for their food with the non-preferred paw and reported changes in RNA and protein synthesis in the region and side of the brain responsible for the motor coordination of the ‘ learning ’ paw compared with the ‘ non-learning ’ side .
15 This section 7(3) required the LTE so to perform their functions as to ensure so far as practicable that at the end of each accounting period the aggregate of the net balance of the consolidated revenue account of the LTE and of their general reserve was such as might be approved by the GLC ; and that if , at the end of any accounting period , the aggregate showed a deficit , the amount properly available to meet changes to revenue account in the next following accounting period should exceed those charges by at least the amount of that deficit .
16 Near the shore , old raised-beach deposits can be observed throughout the region , representing changes in sea levels at about the same time as the glacial episode .
17 I have proposed four simple distributional patterns for both marine and terrestrial animals which involve changes in time .
18 All seven Warsaw Pact countries attending had undergone changes of government since the 1989 human rights conference .
19 Metamorphic rocks are those which have undergone changes in composition under high pressure and/or high temperature ( see section 13.3 ) .
20 The total sum might give you a shock but will also help you to be more ruthless at the start and put changes into effect .
21 In a so-called democracy active citizenship means nothing when we are unable to resist changes to welfare state , privatisation , or any government policy imposed on us without our consent .
22 The armed forces , however , remained essentially segregated and many whites continues to resist changes in race relations .
23 However , in the short run , numerous factors may operate to cause changes in supply .
24 the fish uses this to detect changes in water pressure , from which it gets a greater appreciation of sound and its position in the water .
25 6 Continue to monitor vital signs to detect changes in patient 's condition which would make surgery inadvisable .
26 They describe the power of their study to detect changes in outcome but the study does not have sufficient power to detect significant differences in the rate of adverse effects .
27 This discrepancy could be explained by the fact that these studies were of poor design , with insufficient power to detect changes in mortality .
28 The performance criteria are written in a manner which accommodates changes in direction when key factors are identified either at the beginning or during the course of the investigation .
29 But even if all participants accepted that there is a close link between the money stock , money incomes , and prices , this would not prove that changes in the money stock caused changes in money income and prices .
30 Friedman and Schwartz , however , claimed that it was changes in the nominal money supply which caused changes in money national income ( recall the mechanism described in Chapter 21 ) and , once again , they appealed to empirical evidence to support their view .
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