Example sentences of "[verb] to see the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well only just to really , actually all Mr Mr has er said , and just one other bit of information , the time when the Chairman of the council extended the invitation to sixth formers , looking for alternative entertainment for the sixth formers of school , after they sat through a full council , I took them over to the er archivists er department , and we saw the paper restor , sorry , should n't say paper restorer , manuscript restorer at work , and these sixth formers , already knew of the existence , one of them asked to see the records of parish , because he knew they were there , and I mean , I think this is wonderful , that the sixth formers already , er children are being taught about the ar the records , and they will want to be sure that we kept them , and I think it 's our moral duty to keep er , the records of the past for future generations .
2 What happened was I happened to be in the corridors there and the gentleman came in , that 's on the Friday afternoon , gentleman came in and asked to see the Headmaster , so I took him along to see who was the Headmaster then , and erm shortly after that I was called up to see and erm asked me if I 'd like to apply for this job because had seen me erm bringing me up to , bringing him up to see and he said erm , well what about that young fella who brought me up there and would he like to apply .
3 When Dr Williams 's library opened he presented himself and asked to see the manuscript of Crabb Robinson 's monumental Diary .
4 Marjorie steeled herself , asked to see the vet again , and said she would stay while Lizzie was put to sleep .
5 She asked to see the daughter of the house .
6 The more the searcher asked to see the daughter , the more the daughter was hidden until that planned moment of ‘ chance ’ arrived when all was revealed , and all was , as my young Sheikh would have said , ‘ perfectly well ’ .
7 He asked to see the officer involved in the investigation of the earlier charge .
8 He asked to see the horse and they took him to the stable .
9 He asked to see the images in the church , of which there was so much talk .
10 Standing waiting in the yard , while another pony was being saddled , Gabriel asked to see the monastery chapel .
11 When we asked to see the tape on Thursday , the Beeb said it had mysteriously disappeared without authorisation .
12 ‘ Oh , I was n't going to tell you this , but I went to the bank and asked to see the Manager .
13 He could n't get an immediate break-down of where the money had gone so asked to see the manager .
14 So I said well I 've never been in the situation but I said if it , if it was , if I was in that situation I , asked to see the manager or person in charge , make an offer to pay for any damage that was done and if that did n't suffice then I would say well I am the care officer for a Mencap home and the only thing I can do is say will you er get in touch with my boss and it 'll have to be sorted out from Head Office and she said perfect , you could n't do anything better , then she give me all different things that we 've gone into the next day and the patient 's done everything down the bed , what would you do ?
15 I was told I was getting a direct order , but I refused to pack and asked to see the governor .
16 You 'll not be noticed in the crowd , and your mother will never forgive you if you do n't stay to see the visitors , and tell her about them ! ’
17 I DID NOT STAY to see the Eid — the Eid Al Iftr , that great feast of the breaking of the fast , the days of celebration when everyone dresses in new clothes as though the sackcloth of fasting has lifted and life has renewed itself once again .
18 Captain Hymers did n't stay to see the coffee served because he then went on to visit another of his garrison units , namely the Duchess of Kent 's Military Hospital .
19 People have always travelled to see the world and to find out how other people live .
20 The butler was arguing with a tall fair man , threatening to send for the footmen to turn him away physically if he persisted in demanding to see the person who was refusing access to everyone , and particularly to anyone answering to the name of Cochrane .
21 They have already complained to the waiter without satisfaction , so they have descended on the reception desk demanding to see the manager .
22 ‘ Unbelievable ! ’ cried a media unused to hearing from singers who habitually hate to see the sun go down or sleep in hollow logs .
23 I thought they 'd probably want to see the video I was splicing together from the footage we were getting on opium growing in the Bekaa Valley , but these were cops on a government-paid vacation .
24 Surprisingly it does devalue the works for collectors and museums who will want to see the back of the picture .
25 Jennifer I do n't want to see the back your head any more .
26 ‘ So , ’ he said , ‘ you 'll want to see the will . ’
27 I think if you 're gon na do something that er deviate , because the thing is when you do your tandem calls , they 're gon na want to see the structure
28 He did n't want to see the girl get killed .
29 ‘ But we do n't want to see the meadow go . ’
30 We would not want to see the scheme a held up or at least , the timetable that we could set down .
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