Example sentences of "[verb] anything in [art] " in BNC.

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1 say anything in the conversation well it 's
2 As home secretary , he had psyched himself up to batter the police unions and the chief constables , but on penal policy he was pushed to find anything in the agenda of Tony Blair , his Labour counterpart , to quarrel with .
3 The hypothesis that can explain bat navigation is a good candidate for explaining anything in the world of life , and if Paley 's explanation for any one of his examples was wrong we ca n't make it right by multiplying up examples .
4 We could n't discuss anything in the place .
5 And er I never remember er my parents painting anything in the house at all .
6 There was division in UNTCOK whether it could accomplish anything in the circumstances ; some members felt it should report the impossibility of proceeding but others believed that it could make limited progress .
7 all of them so when her class came up , cos she 'd been with the class right from nursery and when she put into this you know , with the double third year , cos they go upstairs for third and fourth year and they really do classes below she did n't know anything in the class !
8 However , if Mr Chekhov decided to write anything in the future it would be delighted to have look at it .
9 Appreciative though he was of Penny , ally though he felt her to be , there is between nineteen and twenty-three a great gulf fixed which prevented anything in the way of advances .
10 Er I think Ruth says anything in the hope that it 's somewhere near right .
11 I 'd give anything in the world to undo that quarrel with her ! ’
12 Cos he 's never gon na achieve anything in an ordinary class .
13 And they have n't done anything in a , in a support group in that sense .
14 So we 're working on the principal that even if the person does wake up in the operation they 're s not going to sue you cos they ca n't feel anything in the area you 're operating in .
15 One of Isaac Bashevis Singer 's characters in a short story tells the narrator-author : ‘ You once wrote that human nature is such that one can not do anything in a straight line .
16 Some women will do anything in the name of beauty …
17 My time was my own ; I could do anything in the world I liked .
18 ‘ Will you telephone Harriman and ask if he could do anything in the way of intervention ? ’
19 " I would do anything in the world to help Mr. Andrew .
20 I do n't do anything in the morning you know .
21 So , they could n't do anything in the meantime .
22 ‘ I did n't expect anything in the nationals , of course , ’ he said , frowning , ‘ but I thought one of the local rags might have had something about a missing boat . ’
23 I do n't know whether you 've seen anything in the paper about a mountain called the Matterhorn … ? ’
24 She had not , she said , seen anything in the least suspicious other , of course , than the body of the Rector .
25 It is not easy to imagine anything in the behaviour of natural flowers for which evolution could conceivably have needed to program bees to anticipate regular changes in distance .
26 I ca n't remember anything in the last fifteen years or so that has excited me in America .
27 Never read anything in the papers except the fashion articles .
28 At first he could n't see anything in the semi-darkness .
29 She could n't see anything in the corner .
30 He could n't see anything in the room and could n't hear any shouts or screams .
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