Example sentences of "[verb] himself be [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 He was at his best when reacting promptly and powerfully to every threat , how had he let himself be hemmed in thus by forms and processes and the operations of incompetent deputies ?
2 The same report , reversing the earlier legend excusing the Führer because he was being kept in the dark by his underlings in the Party , added : ‘ Even the Führer has lost much sympathy among the people because he has apparently let himself be taken in by his Party people and does not seem to notice what things are like in the State today . ’
3 He was a hard , cold , cynical man who had let himself be hurt by a woman .
4 Without another word , he let himself be led into the sitting room .
5 For a moment it looked as if Evans might resist , then he let himself be led to the sofa where he sat down quietly with his head between his hands and began to cry .
6 If she were his mother , and he let himself be shot without giving her a last chance of looking into his eyes ?
7 Even the Oxford Museum was not free from Italian influence and ‘ Scott would be throwing away his best chance ’ if he let himself be debarred from doing the same .
8 When Henry VIII acceded to the throne , James let himself be drawn into a dubious alliance with the French king Louis XII , and after Henry had invaded France wrote him a brash letter demanding a cessation of hostilities .
9 The bullock stared but , having absorbed the garb , the poise , the certainty of Hope , let himself be stared down .
10 In the intervening years only one major English army crossed to France , in 1475 , when Edward IV let himself be bought off by a treaty and substantial cash payments .
11 Tug felt the call to join her , to leap to his feet and let himself be carried up on the tide , into a high and heroic world .
12 And let himself be caught as easily . ’
13 Simon could n't afford to let himself be divorced ; Constanza did some extremely quixotic things and they managed to fix it so that she appeared to be the guilty party .
14 It is very simple : the artist can not allow himself the luxury of letting himself be manipulated passively by our culture .
15 He began to speak out loud over the sound of the copious running water ; he congratulated himself for not crying in public , he congratulated himself for not getting hurt , for not letting himself be assaulted on the way home , for not letting anyone corner him or get him down on the floor or up against a wall but for keeping walking instead .
16 It would be to let one maxim remind him of the treacherous limits of his information and the other of unconsidered consequences of delay , and try to fill both gaps in his awareness before letting himself be moved in one direction or the other .
17 But he had no intention of letting himself be intimidated .
18 But perhaps to more sympathetic eyes they were more touching than risible , and no more grotesque than many other lovers in whose relationship one loves overwhelmingly , and the other lets himself be loved , for whatever reason — convenience , self-importance , pity .
19 Whoever cares for his own safety is lost ; but if a man will let himself be lost for my sake and for the Gospel that man is safe ( Mark 8:35 ) .
20 And when at last it drifts through the window and fluffs all round his feet and legs , even then he does not let himself be disturbed .
21 The theatrical man occasionally glanced towards him looking for an opening ; but he did n't let himself be drawn in .
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