Example sentences of "[verb] himself against the " in BNC.

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1 Pressing himself against the last wagon he peered around the side for any sign of the guards .
2 He swallowed hard and ran to the back door , pressing himself against the wall beside it .
3 Pressing himself against the wall he looked down at the body .
4 Bent almost double , he darted towards the kitchen , pressing himself against the wall .
5 This acquisition of competence can be seen as one way the worker defends himself against the control exercised over him by management .
6 Throughout it all , he keenly defends himself against the propaganda with which the minders assigned to foreign journalists bombard him .
7 It 's changed partly because Stalin 's er strategy in China has been shown to be a disaster and Stalin is trying to cover his tracks and most effective way of protecting himself against the criticism and the unpopularity which is likely to come from the failure is by insisting that the strategy was right all along and the revolution is about to triumph .
8 He hugged himself against the sudden freezing wind then scrambled to his feet as it whipped the first drops of rain through the open door .
9 He was inclined to feel giddy , too , and was obliged to support himself against the parapet in order to steady his troubled vision .
10 Sighing at the thought of having to leave the warmth and comfort of the fire , he rose and lifted his coat from the hook on the kitchen door , bracing himself against the cold stormy air , and strode off into the darkness .
11 Releasing the cannon from stowage and moving it forward was reminiscent of preparing a man o'war with the weapon 's black length extending well aft and Tommie bracing himself against the instrument bulkhead .
12 He hardened himself against the sight of her ; even so he felt himself moved .
13 She was bearing down on him like a bull in full charge when he jumped the wide steps and with a cry of terror threw himself against the front door of the house .
14 I 'll see you , phone you one day in the week , I saw the post lady coming up the drive and I said to Henry who 's that , he threw himself against the top window so there was indeed someone coming up the drive , tore into the dinning room , picked up his tennis ball , raced back to the window and wow , wow , wow , with his ball in his mouth , and I said Henry you 're really going to frightened off intruders with a ball in your mouth , I said .
15 GRAHAM KELLY , the Football Association chief executive , last night defended himself against the barrage of criticism that greeted his evidence in the Gary Blissett trial .
16 This network of friendship and patronage became one of the less objectionable instruments of nineteenth-century electoral corruption and the instrument with which the small man met and defended himself against the state .
17 But if there is any real doubt in marginal cases the officer 's need to cover himself against the possibility of criticism from above normally resolves the issue in favour of sampling .
18 Where it did not , how far did it allow him to assert himself against the trustee and the property he had acquired in place of the object under trust ?
19 The alienation of king and archbishop gave added significance to long-standing grievances at a time when by protecting Eardwulf 's enemies the archbishop was allying himself against the king .
20 Again he pressed himself against the wall and peered cautiously into the hall .
21 He braced himself against the sides of that smooth slanting chimney in almost foetal position and began to force his way upward by flexing .
22 He braced himself against the now torrential downpour and grabbed the door handle with both hands , hauling the sliding door back across the opening but stopping short of banging it closed .
23 The muscles of his legs and arms bulged alarmingly and shone with sweat as he braced himself against the bulkheads to study the small control panel .
24 Daak shouted , and flattened himself against the curving wall , pulling Ace with him .
25 Guy flattened himself against the wall and opened the door a crack before answering .
26 Jack was coming towards her , and flattened himself against the other side .
27 One of his regrets is that in four series against West Indies his record is very ordinary — one innings in which he took eight wickets , but little else of note — and he is aware that not having proved himself against the best team in the world will be held against him when reputations come to be assessed .
28 He was wearing an overcoat and leant forward to protect himself against the biting wind .
29 She gripped his hand as tightly as she could , feeling a terrific wrench on her shoulders as he tried to haul her in , steadying himself against the door to ensure that he did n't end up suffering the same fate as his companion .
30 Jerome crept to the foot of the steps , and there halted , baulked , rather , like a startled horse , drew hard breath and assayed to mount , and then suddenly threw up his arms to cover his face , fell on his knees with a lamentable , choking cry , and bowed himself against the stone of the steps .
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