Example sentences of "[verb] himself [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And if that child is sensitive and caring and does not wish to hurt or disappoint his parents , perhaps he may even enter the medical profession and spend years doing something he does not really want to do while denying himself the opportunity of fulfilling his life in the way he would have chosen .
2 He fixed his eyes on the prophecy with fresh deliberation , denying himself the comfort of blinking to be certain he missed nothing .
3 He then went on-to become a valuable back-up member of the squad that took Palace to promotion in 1989 and , after a useful spell on loan with Hull City in midwinter , returned to claim the left-back position for the remainder of the season , gaining himself the Barclays Young Eagle of the Month award in March 1990 , sharing in some excellent 1st Division results , the FA Cup semi-final victory over Liverpool and two Wembley appearances against Manchester United .
4 So it is back to Portugal these Portugals can go , and tell Dom João to find himself a wife elsewhere . "
5 A newcomer to the political scene , whether lord or man , could not hope to operate outside this existing network , but had instead to find himself a place within it .
6 A newcomer to the political scene , whether lord or man , could not hope to operate outside this existing network , but had instead to find himself a place within it .
7 He told Calero he ought to find himself a code-name — a suggestion Calero virtually ignored — because ‘ the Soviets listen to everything on the east coast ’ .
8 Sheffield United 's Dave Bassett is the latest to find himself the subject of a police inquiry after being reported by the gentle , clean-mouthed souls who inhabit Chelsea 's stands for swearing .
9 In his brother 's flat in Kemp Town , Ron Barton , who had filed his copy in the small hours — ‘ Wife 's greeting sends Tories packing ’ — had fried himself a pig 's kidney , and was greedily rereading his copy .
10 He did have street cunning , most if it aimed to keeping himself a mystery .
11 I mean he has to take it seriously and occupy himself the effluvium which rises from it .
12 For a second time du Guesclin found himself a prisoner of the English , who routed his army .
13 Back in Britain , Crawford found himself a choreographer , Leo Charibean , who taught him to dance the American way .
14 He came here with my grandmother when he was in his early twenties , changed his name from Vassilakas to Vass and found himself a job in the only trade he knew .
15 Then a bearded man in a bowler hat and overcoat came in , looked around and found himself a seat in a corner .
16 Things were always crystal clear to Beamish ; he was always taking a view or spying out the land or finding some way of pointing out the difference between his world — a universe of sharp corners and exact distances — and the booming , foggy place in which Henry found himself every time he took off his glasses .
17 Instead of contested tithes , he found himself the guardian of a rich , varied , and passionately cultivated tradition for which the documentary evidence was fragmentary , but the local testimony entirely firm .
18 FOOTBALL fan Andy Meek went to watch his team York City in action yesterday — and found himself the match sponsor .
19 A host of examples can be cited throughout the period of Stewart rule up to 1542 ; the fate of the mighty earls of Douglas at the hands of James II in the mid fifteenth century , the case , enshrined in ballad , of the over-confident border reiver Johnnie Armstrong , who suddenly found himself the victim of the utter ruthlessness of James V , tell the same story about how royal power was exercised in Scotland .
20 In the early 1920s , when the industry was increasingly the preserve of the studios , Goldwyn found himself an outsider , an independent producer in competition with the majors .
21 They all settled down to eating while Willie , amidst all the chatter and laughter , found himself an object of praise .
22 Spenser could consider himself a gentleman only on the basis of having been to university and acquired a Master of Arts degree .
23 In verse and prose he was hell-bent on facing himself when things were out of joint ; the scalpel-probe is counterbalanced by the unlearned , incurious manner in which he found deepest ease and joy out of doors — a way of healing he had discovered early in life , although he did not consider himself a naturalist .
24 No longer need he consider himself a charlatan , an impostor .
25 He had become accustomed to great wealth , but he had a social conscience and may even have considered himself a socialist .
26 There is no doubt Norman 's aggressive form of golf is one of the reasons why he appeals to galleries so much , but he might have to contain himself a bit more if he hopes to win on a more regular basis in the future .
27 " Pure reason ! " barked the Magistrate , unable to contain himself a moment longer .
28 Commerce graduate Terry Blamey had won himself a reputation as one of Australia 's brightest entertainment entrepreneurs with his company Pace Entertainment .
29 This is how Chris Symonds earns his sporting glory … riding in the british bobsleigh team … he 's the number two man … and has just won himself a gold medal in the world cup competition … this weekend he competes in the world championships … he 's been back home to get ready to train for his rollercoaster ride on ice …
30 Vincentius had won himself a name as a reputable physician .
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