Example sentences of "[verb] together for a " in BNC.

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1 If she would like the family and close friends to gather together for a meal or light refreshments after the service and committal , you will of course have prepared for this beforehand .
2 A hundred thousand soldiers seems to have been the maximum any Hellenistic state was able to gather together for a decisive battle .
3 More so at that time when companies were culled from post-war part-blackout part-music hall Britain to cling together for a while on what usually became the wreckage of a production .
4 In the 1970s the police were often concerned with the need to keep apart two rival groups , each of which had gathered together for a demonstration in the same place and at the same time .
5 Does the television studio , in which a group of academics are gathered together for a discussion on an ‘ academic ’ issue , count as an academic setting ?
6 IN SEPTEMBER , a group of 50 people met together for a week of prayer at Our Lady of Good Counsel , Leeds .
7 In true pilgrim tradition we prayed and did penance together and we also took our recreation together and we also took our recreation together and so on Wednesday evening we met together for a very happy celebration .
8 The membranes of course contain both the proteins and the enzyme that phosphorylates them , protein kinase C. If radioactive ATP is added to a tiny sample of the membranes , and incubated together for a few seconds in a miniature test-tube , the membrane proteins become both phosphorylated and radioactive .
9 We lived together for a while . ’
10 They lived together for a long time ; she bore him children — who took after their mother and turned out to be demons too .
11 So much so that even when I had abandoned hopes of luring her into my narrow and uncomfortable bed , we frequently got together for a drink or a cheap meal .
12 A group of directors and employees got together for a discussion group and the resulting lively debate was recorded on a video currently doing the rounds of BNFL sites .
13 " Collection " covers " a collection got together for a temporary purpose " , but not one " made or exhibited for the purpose of effecting sales or other commercial dealings " .
14 Before the members of the cast separated to check out of their lodgings on that last night of the provincial tour before moving in for a run at a West End theatre they got together for a few drinks on stage .
15 Westwood offers an account of how the structures of gender , ethnicity and class fit together for a specific group of women workers .
16 A group of 25 communicators , sociologists and people from the religious communities of North America and Asia have agreed on specific plans to work together for a more just global communication environment .
17 The way I was doing the deal , everyone was going to have to work together for a long time . ’
18 Pamela and he had been living together for a while and , until recently , Jimmy had been close to a happiness previously denied him ; both as lover and as surrogate father .
19 Larry and Tina have been living together for a year .
20 We splashed and laughed and played together for a long time , sharing their delight at looking underwater through a diving mask for the first time .
21 The group , which included some 30 journalists , media teachers and lawyers from throughout Africa , came together for a seminar on ‘ The African Charter on Human and People 's Rights and its Impact on Communication Policy and Practice ’ .
22 The group , which included some 30 journalists , media teachers and lawyers from throughout Africa , came together for a seminar on ‘ The African Charter on Human and People 's Rights and its Impact on Communication Policy and Practice ’ .
23 The paths of two lives , or three to be exact , came together for a little while and then separated .
24 Whereby the whole church family , broke up into groups for a period of education , and then came together for a time of celebration and worship .
25 The two legends came together for a race in aid of the charity , Comic Relief .
26 A group of former Young Farmers who appeared in the film came together for a lunchtime drink to remember the making of the film and to talk over old times .
27 This posits that the company or any group of individuals acting together for a common purpose creates a living organism , or a real person , capable of willing and acting through the people who are its organs just as a natural person wills and acts through their brain , mouth and hands .
28 Helen , with the baby only two weeks away , was very large indeed , but not too large for me to get my arms around her , and we stood there in the middle of the flagged floor clasped together for a long time with neither of us saying much .
29 Where interviewers are centrally grouped they can be called together for a briefing session , when any queries can be raised and dealt with on the spot , but where large organizations have interviewers scattered about the country this may be a counsel of perfection , although peripatetic fieldwork supervisors do invaluable work in this as well as other areas .
30 Today , at the Wykham Arms in Sibford Gower a group of those former young farmers get together for a game of darts and a chat .
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