Example sentences of "[verb] together [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 When Connor came back with a pint pot in either hand , he found his wife in the arms of the young Welshman , and stood smiling , watching them dance together to a song that had become all the rage in the last few years :
2 The cases are due to be heard together before a judge in London without a jury , in January .
3 If she would like the family and close friends to gather together for a meal or light refreshments after the service and committal , you will of course have prepared for this beforehand .
4 A hundred thousand soldiers seems to have been the maximum any Hellenistic state was able to gather together for a decisive battle .
5 It was n't just the sustained rumbling growls rising to a frenzy as two dogs threatened each other then lunged together in a bitter embrace , each asserting its place in the hierarchy , the priority of its rights over the red bitch .
6 They sit together in a non-smoking section .
7 Mix well , then bind together with a little beaten egg .
8 Now it is known that ripening tomatoes ripen faster when placed together on a window ledge , because they produce ethylene gas which stimulates their neighbours to faster and synchronous ripening .
9 Then he saw her shoes , scuffed with mud , placed together on a sheet of newspaper at the hearth , and his heart leapt .
10 It is better to regard the system of county government as a body of professional people placed together in a large office at County Hall , who can call upon the representatives from all places throughout the area which they administer .
11 The second involves the juxtaposition of two consonants not usually placed together in an attempt to reproduce a sound peculiar to the original language ( e.g. , the " kh " sound in Bakhtiari or Bakhshaish ) ; the two consonants used in this way may vary , or one of them may be left out altogether .
12 More so at that time when companies were culled from post-war part-blackout part-music hall Britain to cling together for a while on what usually became the wreckage of a production .
13 All , however , can be gathered together under a common theme : that concerned with the genetics of psychosis .
14 In the 1970s the police were often concerned with the need to keep apart two rival groups , each of which had gathered together for a demonstration in the same place and at the same time .
15 Does the television studio , in which a group of academics are gathered together for a discussion on an ‘ academic ’ issue , count as an academic setting ?
16 Instead of just inspecting records within the Input range you can define n output range so that all the records found as a result of the search are gathered together into a separate table .
17 All the information on one general subject is gathered together into a FILE .
18 The fighting in our immediate area seemed to have quietened down as we handed over the prisoners to join , I would think , about a couple of hundred , all gathered together in a field close to the orchard .
19 Eliot recognized that this was not simply the last poem in his sequence but also its culmination , in which the themes and textures of the preceding three parts would be gathered together in a final statement .
20 Open green pastures and the distinctive monoliths gathered together in a circle .
21 Across the emptying room another hurt mind had been at the same moment of time glanced by unwanted evocations of shabby Forest sheep nudging together in a brick shelter on a high road through the trees .
22 The quarters were pressed together in a compressed air jig , and then placed on a bench and the panels , mouldings and windows fitted to them .
23 The carriage doors were all made so as to be interchangeable , the doors being first of all pressed together in a compressed-air jig , and then panelled up .
24 If the concentration of the polymer solution is increased a crystalline polyhedral structure emerges composed of lamellae joined together along a common plane .
25 letters which are joined together as a single unit of type such as oe and fi .
26 And at the moment , all five of them have joined together on a single campaign , which is about trade .
27 When the digitizing is complete the computer displays a wire-frame model — hundreds of rectangular planes joined together in a last-like shape .
28 The complex carbohydrates , which are found in vegetables , cereals and to a lesser degree in fruits , are composed of numerous sugar units joined together in a complex way .
29 Yet , between the upper strata of the landed aristocracy and the wealthiest members of the industrial and commercial society there were many links ; and gradually these two elements came to be joined together in a single ruling group …
30 This followed a succession of smaller mergers during the previous decade as the once dominant , but then struggling , independent British car makers joined together in an attempt to gain economies of scale and to maintain their market share in the face of fierce international competition .
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