Example sentences of "[verb] almost to a " in BNC.

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1 His voice sank almost to a whisper .
2 Business had come almost to a standstill and the newspaper was adversely affected to an increasing degree .
3 It swooped and gusted , then hung impermeably , aspiring almost to a solid state .
4 In the first week a German dairy was pillaged , two Germans were battered and an Austrian student was surrounded by a hostile mob , whilst traffic came almost to a standstill .
5 Fishing effort in the North Sea which had been slowly increasing as engines and gear were developed , came almost to a standstill during the war and , in consequence , the sea-bird populations flourished as fish stocks increased .
6 They also tend to be middle-minded , not just because of the selective ( and , until recently , highly secretive ) recruitment procedure by which they are appointed , but also because in the course of their training and socialization they are imbued with a particular self-perception about their role that amounts almost to a consistent ideology ( Parker et al. , 1989 ) .
7 Two and a half years ago Camel Laird started a campaign to gain access to the intervention funding and because of the total lack of any sort of industrial policy by this government , and their refusal to support the Camel Laird application to the E E C , next month will see the closure of Camel Lairds which will lead to a loss of skills that amounts almost to a criminal act on the part of this government , who seem prepared to allow this country to become a skill-free zone in order to drive down wages and conditions to a rate comparable with some Third World countries .
8 The technique also enables them to opt for a 4 ohms working impedance ( as opposed to the norm of 8 ohms ) in the knowledge that this figure is much more consistent than the nominal figure given for almost all other loudspeakers ( in one or two notable designs the impedance dips almost to a short-circuit at certain frequencies , making them un-usuable with many amplifiers ) .
9 Crisp had slowed almost to a trot , but still it seemed that he might hold on .
10 The two of them had slowed almost to a stop , and the other delegates were streaming past them towards the relaxation of the Seraglio .
11 This one had a .44 Colt on his hip and his hat tipped forward with the brim curled almost to a point , the hat loose on his head but seeming to be part of him .
12 He slowed almost to a halt .
13 He never came to the hotel drunk and for the first time for years worked almost to a routine .
14 In the north of England , Theophilus Shelton , Esquire , recorded at Darrington ( a small town located just north of 53 degrees 40 minutes latitude , near the city of Leeds ) that the Sun — was reduced almost to a Point , which both in Colour and Size resembled the planet Mars ’ .
15 The corpse of a zebra , under the camera 's necessarily impassive gaze ( some viewers are queasier ) , is reduced almost to a skeleton as skin and then flesh are progressively stripped away by the processes of nature .
16 As they came back into the City , buses had to slow almost to a halt to safely make the turn into Winchester Street ; it was not only steep but also had a tricky camber .
17 I see it happen but wait , hoping that as usual she will jump out from it , but it just gets worse and she slows almost to a stop .
18 If you get it right the engine will catch just as it slows almost to a halt and , to the accompaniment of a swirling grey cloud of oily smoke stage right , the hiccupping bass thumping will grow into the irregular loping lumpy grumble of a healthy Pratt 986 .
19 I developed what amounted almost to a fetish about toasters .
20 The prospect of losing the traditional source of their wealth and authority induced among many noblemen a reappraisal of their role which amounted almost to a crisis of identity .
21 Two miles or so to the south lies the village of Stockerston , now shrunk almost to a hamlet , with its attractive Perpendicular church standing alone on the hillside — a sure sign of some interesting change in village history .
22 Cooked almost to a purée with plenty of garlic they make a truly delicious accompaniment to sausages and red meats .
23 The eyes were bright blue and heavily mascaraed in navy and the woman wore a pink ribbon in loosely permed hair that was coloured almost to a shade of orange .
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