Example sentences of "[verb] go of [art] " in BNC.

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1 It was as if she had let go of a great burden .
2 On the screen they had let go of the puerto Rican mass murderer 's trousers and he was on his way to the sidewalk , head first , at about seventy miles an hour .
3 The policeman had not let go of the stranger .
4 She let go of the cabinet , coughing in the dust of ages that appeared to be lurking behind it , and smiled back at him as the February sun shone through the small window behind her , throwing into sharp relief the patches on the wall where her predecessor had hung posters , and the ingrained dirt on the flaking paintwork round the mean , narrow , metal window .
5 Jane thought she 'd better not offer to shake hands in case he let go of the stick and fell over .
6 He let go of the doorknob and thrust his hands back into his pockets .
7 The gods smiled on them and she let go of the past .
8 He let go of the door he was clutching for support and tested the muscles in his legs .
9 She let go of the rail and stepped across the landing .
10 He let go of the handle , and put his large hands round hers , to hold the shears .
11 It sidestepped nervously , reared , and the slave leading it let go of the rein .
12 Abruptly she let go of the last protective remnants of self-deception , but , fearing questions she could n't answer without exposing the full extent of her vulnerability , she rushed on , ‘ I felt guilty to begin with , but I did come to terms with it eventually , and anyway , my parents had encouraged me to stay with radio even though it would take me away from them and they knew what was happening to Dad . ’
13 She let go of the glass ( whether deliberately or not is unknown ) and the victim was cut by broken glass .
14 The trail goes steeply down and the speed increases , and I let go of the sledge rail to wipe my goggles — a fatal move .
15 I let go of the beam and dropped with bent legs so as to splash down softly and felt the breath rush out of my lungs from the iciness of the river .
16 Sadie let go of the young man 's lapels , smiled grimly , and limped across the floor to Dierdrie , waiting by the fan-shaped mirror .
17 ‘ Was I the fool who let go of the rudder when the ship was on top of the rock there ?
18 Now let go of the tension as you breathe out with a sigh of relief .
19 This will stay in our nature until we become aware of the process and let go of the chains that pride puts around us .
20 Apply the brakes before you let go of the pushchair , even on the flat .
21 Giving a bellow of pain and rage , Raimundo jumped a foot in the air and let go of the pony , who took off , jerking to a halt as the slack of the rope ran out .
22 All Taureans , especially those of you born between May 9 and 17 , will find life easier if you let go of the past without a struggle and become open to different avenues of opportunity .
23 And now the Trunchbull was leaning back against the weight of the whirling girl and pivoting expertly on her toes , spinning round and round , and soon Amanda Thripp was travelling so fast she became a blur , and suddenly , with a mighty grunt , the Trunchbull let go of the pigtails and Amanda went sailing like a rocket right over the wire fence of the playground and high up into the sky .
24 THEN you let go of the latch so that the first loop slides over and is cast off .
25 You plot along at a steady crawl wondering if you 'll ever reach that far-off doorway , let go of the joystick as soon as you get there , then promptly take another pace !
26 By tying an autobloc knot above the abseil plate ( Fig 2 ) and clipping this to your harness on a short sling , a sliding prusik is created which will lock automatically if you let go of the rope , as for instance if hit by stonefall .
27 Donna let go of the door and allowed Ryker to grab her other hand .
28 When he turned his head to look at Turakina she gave a gasp of annoyance and let go of the half-plaited queue .
29 Caspar let go of the sill and slid rapidly to the ground with a bump , looking a bit sick .
30 So I let go of the pendant , gathered myself , and looked around .
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