Example sentences of "[verb] itself [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 But if , if libido was aroused by for example seduction in childhood it could go nowhere , it was repressed in the unconscious , where it transformed itself by some kind of psychological chemistry into anxiety .
2 For that reason , the Territorial Army does not consider itself in any way a second-class alternative .
3 The new release of PageMaker has addressed itself to four main areas in which users felt the product was lacking ; long documents , repetitive formats , graphics and colour , as well as adding additional features such as text export and enhanced file import facilities .
4 Essentially the court is concerned whether the decision-making body has addressed itself to all relevant factors .
5 Interestingly enough Larry Witty , the General Secretary of the Labour Party , said at last year 's Labour Party Conference that if it had not been for the steadily , steady influence of the unions during the eighties , when the Party was tearing itself in two , we would not have a Labour Party today .
6 Others — and the majority , no doubt — would wait anxiously for any news as a French invasion force was massing ready to launch itself against English shores .
7 From the National Palace , General Garcia , flanked by senior officers and political leaders , told the country that Congress would first purge itself of corrupt members and then elect a new president .
8 To be fished on the prolific waters around Galway this new event promises to establish itself as one of Ireland 's best .
9 It indicates the means whereby a form of Christianity which entirely circumvented the Pauline orthodoxy of Rome began to establish itself in Western Europe .
10 Aligning itself with popular art , her previous production includes a cartoon strip expliqué of Wagner 's Ring cycle with rodent protagonists .
11 Britain managed to isolate itself in international fora — such as the 35 Nation Convention on Long Range Transboundary Air Pollution convened by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe ( UN ECE ) — by rejecting the scientific consensus that forest decline was linked to air pollution from industry , power stations and vehicles .
12 As well as prompting a rise in trade , the existence of a new class which found itself with spare time and spare cash at its disposal also heralded an era of unprecedented artistic achievement .
13 There followed a period of uncertainty until it found itself with new occupants Savory and Sons .
14 We must now turn our attention to the wider situation in which 5 Corps found itself on 10–12 May .
15 Denmark is their other northern commitment , and it is there that 2 RRP found itself on 30 June 1989 .
16 Indirect Rule and the evolution of the Commonwealth idea had disarmed much left-wing criticism of the empire in the years between the wars and encouraged the development among British radicals of ‘ responsible ’ views on imperial subjects , which came naturally to bloom when Labour found itself at last in office .
17 The country found itself during 1990 and in the early part of 1991 in a vicious circle of falling productivity and chronic shortages caused by the lack of foreign exchange to pay for imports .
18 Copersucar , the Brazilian sugar giant and Emerson 's chief sponsor , found itself in serious political trouble when it turned out that it was indirectly financing the vigilante groups who kept Sao Paulo in a state of severe political repression during those years .
19 They wanted more reforms , not less , and an active role to play in helping the country rid itself of social ills .
20 As time goes by it is likely to find itself under increasing pressure , for the glossy men are now moving into the petrology field too .
21 His belly was beginning to pull itself into painful spasms .
22 But it would be very odd if a corporation had no means of protecting itself against wrong ; and if its property is injured by slander it has no means of redress except by action .
23 But it would be very odd if a corporation had no means of protecting itself against wrong ; and if its property is injured by slander it has no means of redress except by action .
24 Let us hope that it manifests itself through some outward show .
25 Although , childbearing patterns thus belong to the behavioural sphere , their effect on the viability of offspring manifests itself through biological and physiological factors .
26 In modern clinical psychoanalysis it manifests itself as that part of the ego which represents a critical self-awareness which is both censorious and exhortatory , being the representative of standards , ideals , commands and prohibitions .
27 Later versions of Bacon can recognise that each star has an intrinsic property which manifests itself as this ’ constant ’ .
28 This influence manifests itself in melodic shapes ( largely pentatonic falling patterns , but , unlike , say , Chicago blues , also lyrical , sustained , long-breathed ) ; vocal timbre ( rich , open-throated , sensuous ) ; and the use of melisma .
29 One of the points on the sense-spectrum presented above — and this is typical of the metaphorical variety — has a special status , which manifests itself in two principal ways .
30 The methodological criterion on which our own study must be based is the following ; that the supremacy of a social group manifests itself in two ways , as ‘ domination ’ and as ‘ intellectual and moral leadership ’ .
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