Example sentences of "[verb] using the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty factor here is knowing that the operation to perform using the calculator is division .
2 Chromosomal DNA was isolated and purified from each isolate using the guanidium thiocyanate reagent method .
3 The Treaty of Friendship , Co-operation and Security , which allowed the USA to continue using the Subic Bay naval base for 10 years in return for $203,000,000 in annual aid , was signed by Philippines Foreign Secretary Raul Manglapus and the US ambassador , Frank Wisner .
4 The treaty would have allowed the USA to continue using the Subic Bay naval base for 10 years in return for US$203 million in annual aid [ see p. 38398 ] .
5 Agencies like this find that some people want a complete change from previous work , others like to continue using the skills they have built up over the years .
6 Therefore , you will be asked to continue using the wheelchair to move the patient around until the physiotherapist is sure that he has reached the point where he can walk correctly and safely .
7 It is convenient to continue using the shorthand of Continental and Maritime schools of thought , although the issues are more complex than they were in Queen Anne 's day .
8 They say they are willing to continue using the Skerne Park routes for a trial period while the speed humps are introduced .
9 These rights included not only an ability to continue using the property as before but also the right to rebuild or extend it , provided the original building was not exceeded by more than ten per cent .
10 The software was developed using the company 's real-time kernel technology , VxWorks , which offloads Unix applications from the host via TCP/IP , Ethernet or NFS , to a standalone VME-based system to be executed in real-time ( UX No 318 ) .
11 Graphics-based applications are developed using the company 's C-Scape screen handler , which includes application programming interfaces for running Windows 3 , Motif or Open Look at the front-end .
12 The database being developed using the EDFAX teletext emulator program is based on work done by an informal group consisting of several schools and a college of education lecturer.5 The group — the " Housing Unit group " will be defining aims and objectives and Figure 6.2 provides a possible structure and content of the database .
13 Unless you have any objections I intend using the report as evidence to support your case .
14 You can use Edit — the editor supplied with DOS 5 — to search through data produced using the TREE command
15 However , this could cause difficulties because a person obtaining a computer program would expect to own the copyright of anything produced using the program , and any provisions sharing the ownership of the copyright between the user and the programmer could result in an undesirable fetter on the subsequent use of information and reports generated by the computer .
16 A data set to 2.5Å was collected on a Nicolet multiwire area detector mounted on a Rigaku rotating anode and evaluated using the Buddha program .
17 If the maximum number of cells in a row of the grid is 30 and if there are 30 rows , a dice could be thrown six times and the outcomes totalled to get the row coordinate , and six times for the column coordinate using the convention that the six on the dice is interpreted as zero .
18 An alternative interpretation of the data was given using the idea of attention focusing .
19 Figure 5.12 shows the differences given using the Shotgun model which has the lowest RMS value .
20 Sequences were aligned using the program PILEUP ( UWGCG ) .
21 Thus " information handling " does not merely cover using the microcomputer to find references to aspects of pollution such as ACID RAIN but to the whole process of learning done in the classroom and the school library .
22 Phylogenetic analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences from the parthenogenesis microorganisms was undertaken using the parsimony algorithm Branch and Bound of PAUP 3.0 ( ref. 20 ) .
23 In the largest experiment ever undertaken using the methods of integrated pest management ( IPM ) , scientists with the UN 's Food and Agriculture Organisation ( FAO ) have demonstrated that cutting back on the applications of pesticide can result in increased crop yields .
24 Comparisons between the three groups was undertaken using the Kruskall-Wallis test adjusted for ties ; if significant ( p<0.05 ) subsequent analysis between two groups was undertaken using the two-tailed Mann-Whitney U test .
25 I made the decision to abort using the apparatus and revert to an alternative er means .
26 Transcript abundance appeared to be similar in both life cycle stages ( RNA loading checked using the actin gene ( 31 ) as a control probe ( Fig. 4B ) ) .
27 A second mean diameter is derived by immersing the pebble in water to determine the volume of water displaced , from which the volumetric diameter , D v is calculated using the expression .
28 The unrooted tree was calculated using the parsimony program of ( 36 ) .
29 All statistics were calculated using the ARCUS Professional statistics package .
30 The liquid junction potential of the junction sodium formate ( 4.6 mol/kg ) and ‘ test solution ’ was calculated using the Henderson equation to be -2.1 mV for the calibration solution and in gall bladder bile ( Table ) ( containing 150 , 7.0 , 60 , 30 mmol/kg ) for Na + , K + , Cl - , HCO 3 - ) to be -3.4 mV .
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