Example sentences of "[verb] on to consider [art] " in BNC.

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1 Having defined his subject , the author goes on to consider the relationship between caring professions and the state in a useful discussion of the varying positions of authors whose analysis derives from a neo-Marxist or neo-Weberian concept of the economic and political structure of society .
2 He goes on to consider the work of writers who have explored the nature of the relationship between professions , clients , and the state .
3 Having dealt with the Heart and the Head , Virginia goes on to consider the fuller implications of the third part of her exhibition .
4 It is not possible here to attempt to unravel the many strands of thought and practice that have historically influenced the contemporary curriculum in this way , but it may be useful to refer briefly to some of them before going on to consider the current pattern .
5 Before going on to consider the cases and some of the observations which the academic writers have made on section 1 , I should like to say something more about section 15 .
6 Before going on to consider the results of this survey , it is important to look at a number of methodological limitations which may well compromise some of its findings .
7 Moving on to consider the category of conjonctures , we find problems parallel to those we have discussed occurring in , if anything , an exacerbated form .
8 Before moving on to consider the different variables , the question of timing should not be overlooked .
9 The congress was called on to consider the ‘ educational crisis ’ in particular , referring to the backward' and ‘ miserable ’ conditions for students and teachers .
10 Once the court is satisfied that there is evidence that D was provoked to lose self-control , it must go on to consider the second requirement : was the provocation enough to make a reasonable man do as D did ?
11 After a brief discussion of the first question , we shall go on to consider the present distribution of services within local government in the United Kingdom .
12 Having thus discussed the interpretation of this problem , you would , of course , go on to consider the law relating to it .
13 Rev. Leslie Lloyd Rees led a meditation for Lent , which opened with a hymn and went on to consider the ministry of Christ 's passion and resurrection .
14 The paper went on to consider the question of ‘ The Grading of Murders ’ , traversing the same ground as a Royal Commission would do six years later , and reaching the same negative conclusions , except that Ede rejected the idea of giving the jury any discretion :
15 It is not possible , however , to come to any conclusion about the usefulness of testing and inspection ( outsider evaluations ) without considering what is possible for schools to do themselves ( Becher et al , 1979 , go on to consider the merits of school-based approaches ) .
16 Having discussed the place of the professional-managerial class in the stratification system , the Ehrenreichs go on to consider the role that it has played in class conflict in the USA over recent decades .
17 We sketch briefly the legal definition of casual working and go on to consider the special features of certain business operations within the hotels and catering industry which explain why casual workers are to be found there .
18 We now go on to consider the rather more difficult cases of fall-rise and rise-fall tones .
19 There is a major issue here , but I want to note it and move on to consider a different aspect of how race and class intersect .
20 We focus first on the moral issues , and then move on to consider the debate over the factual consequences of insider dealing .
21 We commence by reviewing the work of the Efficiency Unit , established in 1979 , and then move on to consider the Financial Management initiative , launched in May 1982 , and the Next Steps initiative , launched in February 1988 .
22 Both texts then seem to abandon the question of what Matroc 's competitors do and move on to consider the types of customer in the market place and whether the brochure would be of any value to them .
23 It is time now to move on to consider the first of these .
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