Example sentences of "[verb] over [art] longer " in BNC.

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1 For a start , it allows spreading to be carried over a longer period during the winter months ( Table 1 ) .
2 The charge that higher education has over a longer period contributed to an anti-industrial ethos among the educated classes in Britain has been laid by Wiener ( 1981 ) and countered in different ways by Sanderson ( 1972 ) who points to manifold examples of involvement with industry , and Shattock ( 1987 ) who tends to lay the blame elsewhere , at the door of government and industry itself .
3 A stiff breeze on the outward leg made it hard going over the longer half of the race , resulting in slower times .
4 Thus large companies and boards of nationalised industries were provided with enormous financial assistance enabling ( or rather persuading ) them to base their reorganisation on designated development areas which in many cases they would not otherwise have chosen , for reasons of both private and public benefit when judged over the longer run [ Knight , 1974 ; Moore and Rhodes , 1973 ] .
5 The run-down was to be stretched over a longer period and the agreed strength raised from Sandys ’ proposed 45,000 to 55,000 .
6 Also , employers are constantly employing new staff so the return on selection has to be calculated over a longer period of time to get a true picture of the effects of selection methods .
7 Perhaps it is because a predator is able to find and eat relatively large numbers of aposematic prey in a short space of time , and that the high initial rate of feeding produces a more powerful reinforcement than a greater number of prey eaten over a longer period .
8 Capital allowances deducted from the taxable income may be higher in the early years ( and therefore lower in the later years ) thin book depreciation , which may be charged over a longer period .
9 But obviously a place not already converted would cost less initially , and the price of rebuilding would be spread over a longer period .
10 It faced substantial protests , however , from water suppliers , notably in the UK ( see pp. 36903 ; 37159 ) and in West Germany , who objected that the massive costs involved would need to be spread over a longer period .
11 An additional incentive is that a garden , in contrast to its associated historic building , does not always need substantial sums for major fabric repairs at the outset and can be revived over a longer period of time .
12 Debt due for repayment within two years could be paid within five years , and debt due to be repaid over a longer period could be paid within eight years .
13 This experiment was conducted over a longer time period ( ten days ) , starting with young plants .
14 Another reason for our inability to give accurate figures is due to the prevalence of several other types of population movement , some of them on a huge scale , although extended over a longer period .
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